Indominus vs Ultimasaurus statistics

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Hey guys, this is the info on the fighters. You can comment if you want either I.rex or Ultimasaurus to win if you want. It will be appreciated☺

Indominus Rex
Size: 15m long, 5.6m tall, weighing around 6t.
Gender: female

Indominus Rex is considered the first dinosaur hybrid to be made in Jurassic World. She consists of t.rex (base genome), velociraptor (intelligence), rugops, majungasaurus, carnotaurus, giganotosaurus, therizinosaurus cuttlefish, tree frog and pit viper DNA.

Her skull is nearly 2m long and her jaws can open up to nearly to 90 degrees (pit viper DNA trait) and they are able to crack into a bulletproof gyrosphere with little effort (T.rex & Abelisaurid DNA traits). The bite force would have been around 5 - 8 tonnes.

Her vision is good but is unable to see in depth, she sees things through thermal radiation (pit viper DNA trait) as well as normal vision.

She has long, powerful front arms (therizinosaur DNA trait), each armed with three sharp clawed fingers and a small opposable thumb which gives her a stronger grip (the thumb's origin is unknown).

I.rex's hide is incredibly thick, covered in osteoderms (carnotaurus DNA trait) - pretty much bulletproof...but spike proof? - That will be tested.

Her tail can be considered a weapon as it can strike into the opponent - winding or knocking them over.

She can camouflage and change her heat signature (cuttlefish DNA trait) and lastly - she is a highly intelligent animal that would want to kill anything that moves. (Note: this indominus is not the same one from Jurassic World. It is her sister)

Ultimasaurus Carnifex:
Size: Around 10m long, 4m tall and weighing 5 tonnes (According to the Kenner Chaos effect toy; compared to a human it appears to be only around 7m long but in other sites it is envisioned to be up to 14m, I'm putting it at an average of 10m)
Gender: Female

Ultimasaurus is a dinosaur hybrid consisting of t.rex, triceratops, velociraptor, stegosaurus and kentrosaurus DNA. It was part of the Jurassic park Chaos effect toys but was never properly released and was designed to be the ultimate hybrid.

Ultimasaurus' head is around 1.5m long with a bony frill and horns like a triceratops. The horns would have been dangerous weapons.

The head and body is based off t.rex DNA. So she had very good vision and it was binocular so she could judge distance.

The bite would have been powerful, however the lower jaw seems to be more like a raptor's giving it less power, nonetheless had a bite force of around 4 - 8 tonnes.

The arms are long, armed with three sharp claws on long fingers and the legs are built for manoeuvring and kicking. The feet have a large killing claw and two normal claws. These are velociraptor traits.

The body is covered in ankylosaur-like osteoderms and spikes, much tougher than the skin of I.rex.

The tail is weaponised with four thagomisers (kentrosaurus DNA trait) to impale or slash at an enemy. Much more of a weapon than I.rex's tail.

She is highly aggressive. Rivaling or even surpassing the agression of I.rex. Basically this animal was designed for slashing, spearing and spiking enemies with all it had.

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