Albertosaurus vs 3 Utahraptors

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*MYA= Million years ago

Albertosaurus vs 3 Utahraptors

Albertosaurus Stats

Size: 9m long, 3m tall, 2-3 tonnes
Gender: Male

A late cretaceous tyranosaurid that lived around 83-74 MYA.

It was closely related to gorgosaurus, that lived several million years before t.rex. It had a strong bite, intelligence and was built for hunting swift prey; ideally hadrosaurids and killed by wearing its prey down with harsh bites. It was a social predator; living and hunting in groups (However in this fight there is only one albertosaur). It's eyesight was not entirely binocular, but nevertheless had good vision.

Utahraptor Stats

Size: 6-7m long, 2.3m tall, 500-650kg
Gender: Male Alpha, Female Co-Alpha, Female Beta

Utahraptor was one of the largest dromaeosaurids. It lived during the early Cretaceous around 130-124 MYA.

It had good binocular vision, was a stocky, powerful, intelligent raptor that was known to hunt in groups for its prey; generally sauropods. It's leg bones were twice as thick as those of allosaurus despite Utahraptor being considerably smaller, built for power rather than speed for the purpose of hunting its large, slow moving prey. It used its claws and bite as a weapon, constantly inflicting wounds on its quarry until it wore down and bled to death. And there are three of them in this battle.

Location of battle: Drought lands in Utah 130 MYA.


Three Utahraptor have been having trouble finding prey. Drought season is to blame. The Alpha of the pack; Ripper, insisted on his pack to keep going but they were getting agitated at the restless day of searching.

The Co-Alpha; Red Streak, decides to stop moving and smell the air from where she is. There is a faint smell that doesn't seem familiar, it's coming from the north. She grunts at the other two to follow her.

The beta, Sky, huffs in refusal but Ripper hisses her a warning to follow or else. Right now they cannot afford pack members dropping out.

After travelling a few kilometres, in the distance they smell a parched corpse with the company of a large predator they had never seen before. It's skull was large and had light blue skin while the rest of its body was light grey and silver feathers ran from its neck to tail.

The Alpha knew this was going to be risky. He sniffed the air to sense if the new predator was feeling violent. It didn't seem so. The pack warily approached it and the new predator snapped its gaze onto them. Ripper told them to stop moving.

The Albertosaurus kept his gaze locked onto the raptors. Never had he seen such large pack hunters before. They were two thirds his size and looked like a giant version of the dromaeosaurs in his old territory but this looked liked trouble. He gave a grunt, if they weren't going to approach he didn't care. He liked having the ability to make other animals play by his rules. That's why everyone calls him Ref.

The pack watched as Ref lost interest them and returned to eat the sauropelta carcass. There was nothing nutritious on it anyway but Ref's jaws were able to rip of any part of the corpse and swallow it down; it wasn't healthy, but it was filling for him, but not for the raptors. Their jaws weren't able to rip off such hard decayed flesh and bones.

Sky looked at her Alphas and snarled, why shouldn't they try taking on this predator? They knew a technique that could possibly take it down.

Red streak considered the idea but Ripper was unsure. Did he want to risk it or stay safe? Was it a good idea to share their territory with a larger predator? Probably not. What if he stole their kills? Definitely not; Ripper bared his teeth at the thought. He barked at his pack to go with the plan. They were all starving anyway and having competition during drought season was bad.

Sky snorted in satisfaction. She would distract the intruder since she wasn't heavy enough to do the attack. She loved distracting; it made her seem innocent to her prey and she gave playful chitters to confuse them even more.

She trotted up to face Ref, who instantly thrust his head up to glare at her. What was the pack hunter doing? She had no right to steal his corpse. He growled at her to keep her away. But to his surprise she dove in for a bite of his food.

Ref growled more aggressively this time. She didn't seem to feel threatened for some reason. This was unacceptable. She was supposed to play by his rules not by her own. He dragged the carcass and turned his back to her. She was annoyed by the reaction. He was close to seeing the Alphas move closer. Nonetheless she dove in for another bluff take. Ref bared his teeth at her but she just chittered in reply. He decided to ignore that until she gave a nip on his leg, her teeth were sharp and he lurched up in shock. Sky hit a sensitive spot. Ref hissed and snapped his jaws at her as a final warning.

He was distracted. Red Streak and Ripper charged at him at full speed, leapt up and slammed their claws onto his side and knocked him hard onto the ground.

Ref wheezed as the air rushed out his lungs and he hit his head hard on the ground. He was used to head clashing with his own pack but this was unexpected. Suddenly he felt tearing in his side and he screeched in pain.

All three raptors were biting and clawing at his belly. Ref instinctively kicked at the attackers but they avoided. Sky was jumping up and down on his ribs, further keeping him winded. He was paralyzed with fear. He felt their claws close to cutting into his guts.

A rush of adrenaline forced him to rise up rather quickly. He swung around and snapped his jaws onto the closest target; Ripper.

The alpha screeched as Ref sunk his teeth onto his feathered arm and flung him several metres across the dirt.

Ripper tensed up on the ground in pain. His arm had been torn clean off and he decided he wasn't going anywhere in a hurry.

Ref would have been proud of that move if he wasn't so scared and he screamed in agony; he felt the fear coil around in his stomach and leak out onto the dry ground as crimson blood. He stumbled slightly before dizzily rushing off away from the Utahraptors. Sky and Red Streak immediately ran to their injured Alpha

Sky crooned at Ripper in concern. Red streak scraped her rough tongue over the bleeding socket, licking up the blood. They both knew he would survive. They once had a pack member who lost his foot to a panicked sauropod that happened to crush it under its step; all he had was a stump once the foot blackened and dropped off but he was a ruthless hunter and it didn't bother him. They called him pirate.

Most, if not all dinosaurs, had incredibly powerful immune systems that could easily allow them protection against even the strongest bacteria on wounds, many attack victims had survived and their wounds had healed over. This was how they survived. Unfortunately this won't help from major blood loss, like in the many wounds in the belly of the poor albertosaur.

Sky and Red Streak crooned to their leader that they would wait here with him until he felt better. They would all go find the albertosaur later.

Ref was going to collapse from blood loss and exhaustion soon anyway.

After a few hours the two females forced their Alpha to stand up. Ripper stumbled a bit, skin twitched near the wound and he let out a pained bark. He barked constantly each time he felt the other two increase their pace. They were all starving but Ripper was at the point of fainting.

Fortunately their victim, Ref, had lost enough blood to collapse nearby. Even though that didn't necessarily kill him; he was alive and could survive another day if the attackers didn't decide to eat him. But the raptors were not going to allow that.

Red Streak approached the body of Ref and stabbed her foot claw into the deep wounds, slicing his belly open to reveal a layer of fat and guts. Sky pushed the Alpha over to eat. Ripper just stood there breathing heavily; he was too exhausted to eat. Sky lightly pushed his head into the guts to convince him to take a bite. Ripper wasn't going to let anyone force feed him. He huffed tiredly and sat down where he was. Encrusted in blood. He pecked at the gut slightly but decided to sleep instead. He would eat later.

The Co-Alpha and Beta crooned at him. He would eat later and they were fine with that. His immunity wasn't going take on a serious injury and food at the same time right now. It would repel his gut from digesting and he'd feel sick.

The Utahraptors were lucky it hadn't been Rippers neck the Albertosaur tore off.

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