Ch. 4 - Chuck E. Cheese's and Mini-Golf

Start from the beginning

"Tempting," I say flatly, "but I should probably go check on the kids and get them ready for bed."

He nods. "Yeah, yeah, of course. But afterwards when you're sitting on the couch skeptically waiting for more people to show up to this party because you truly believe Elliott will have a rager, remember that we have an extra paddle."


I turn around and make my way back upstairs only to find that Addison did my job once again and got everyone back in bed. I would've yelled at her, but she was sound asleep in her room just like the rest of the kids. Well, now I know what makes them tired: mini-golf and an indoor playground place with greasy pizza.

After checking on the kids, I go downstairs to the living room and turn on the tv. I should be wiped out from today, but I'm not tired at all actually. Weird.

You know what else is weird? Elliott not having the party I expected. Why did he even call it a party though? He could've just asked me if he could have some friends over and I wouldn't have had a problem! Obviously he just wanted us out of the house most of the night. I kept Beth out way past her bedtime because of him. It just makes me so annoyed.

And then he has the nerve to call me shallow for assuming he'd have a party! Right, I'm the shallow one! He's the one who is whispering things in my ear like he can control me or something with his sensuality. I'm not stupid, Elliott Kennedy. Those tricks won't work on me! No, no, no. Never again.

"Come on, Carter," Elliott groans as the girl storms past me into the kitchen with Elliott trailing closely behind. "It was an accident!"

"I'm going to have a black eye tomorrow morning, idiot!" the girls screams. "I have a photo shoot with Tyra Banks!"

My ears perk up. Tyra Banks? Can I come?

"Well, don't they airbrush you anyway?" Elliott asks.

Dumb move, I think to myself.

Carter scoffs. "Screw you, Elliott Kennedy!"

With that being said, the backdoor slams shut. Elliott walks into the family room with almost an amused smile on his face, about to open the basement door.

"How'd you give her a black eye?" I ask, hoping he'll ignore the fact I was eavesdropping.

He turns around to look at me. "I punched her in the face just as you probably expected."

I raise an eyebrow. "You punched a girl in the face? Seems a bit extreme, even for you."

"Yeah, well," he mumbles. "That's what she gets for telling me she didn't like the color of our basement walls."

"You didn't.."

"Yeah, I didn't," he laughs at his own joke. "I actually was aiming to hit Flynn as hard as I possibly could with the ping-pong ball, but I sort of missed and hit Carter instead."

I nod, picturing the moment in my head. "I'd be pissed too.. especially if I had a photo shoot with Tyra freaking Banks the next morning."

He laughs lightly, his smile only lasting a split second. "Yeah."

"Is Carter okay?" Flynn asks, slamming the basement door into Elliott.

"She left," Elliott says. "I tried to apologize, but the chick was livid."

"You gave 'the chick' a black eye!" the other girl, whose name I do not know, snaps. "She has a photo shoot with Tyra Banks tomorrow!"

Elliott glances at me briefly, the faintest of smiles on his face.

"Can't she just use makeup to cover it?" Flynn asks slowly.

Dumb move, I think to myself once again.

Jen slaps Flynn across the face before storming out of the house and slamming the door just as Carter had.

"I like your friends," I comment, my eyes on the tv.

"I told you we shouldn't date models," Flynn mumbles before sitting on the couch with me.

"They were hot," Elliott defends before walking into the kitchen.

Flynn hums in agreement. "Way to go with the ping-pong incident, man. You're just a sore loser."

"Yeah? Well, Carter told me she'd give me a 'reward' if we won our game of ping-pong. So, yeah, dumbass, I was mad after you beat me at ping-pong," Elliott says with a mouthful of food.

"A reward," Flynn laughs. "Did she bring stickers?"

Elliott comes back and throws a bag of chips in Flynn's lap. "She brought a little something else, McClean. Shit, she was so hot!"

Flynn opens his chips and offers me some but I decline. "Look, dude, if you really expected to get lucky tonight, we shouldn't have been playing ping-pong. You always beat me at... Oh, wait. You never beat me."

Elliott nods and claps his hands together. "Good one!"

"So, Ivy, how was your night?" Flynn asks me, changing the subject completely.

I shrug. "It was nice. I took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's and then we went to this indoor mini-golf place."

"That sounds fun!" Flynn says, obviously trying to stay as polite as possible. Yes, Flynn McClean, I realize I had a lame night, but I'm a nanny. What do you expect?

"Yeah," I say awkwardly and play with the hem of my shirt. "Um, I'm actually super tired. I think I should go to bed."

"Night," Flynn says cheerfully.

Elliott doesn't say anything as I leave the room to head upstairs, although I'm not that surprised. You know, I don't think I'll ever be able to understand how they're friends. Flynn is nice; Elliott is rude. Flynn has school spirit; Elliott vandalizes the school. Flynn calls me Ivy; Elliott probably doesn't know my name. I guess it makes sense that they don't hang out around school. They're just too different for that.

I can tell they're best friends though, even through all the differences. I always wished I had a best friend like that, one who stayed by my side even when I gave a model black eye.

I had friends throughout high school and all, but no best friends. I think I was too occupied with my job, starting from such a young age. The other girls were so much closer the time high school came around, so I was more just the third-party addition to any friend group.

It's not like I was sad about not having a best friend. My friends were nice enough and my job kept me busy. I had close relationships with the kids I babysit, like Mikey for example. But, yes, secretly I hoped I'd get a best friend to tell all my deepest secrets to and to be able to talk to for hours on hours.

I guess I'm just not one of the lucky ones.

As I get ready for bed, I can hear Flynn saying goodbye before the door opens and closes. Elliott comes upstairs, walking past my open door without a word. Twenty minutes later as I'm lying in bed on my phone, he heads past my room.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

He walks backwards to stop at my doorframe. "Out."

"It's like two in the morning," I say, glancing at the time.

"I'm like not tired," he shoots back.

"Where could you possibly go at two in the morning?"

He shrugs. "Out."

"Well... be safe," I say awkwardly, knowing I can't stop him from going out. I'm not his nanny.

"I'm too dangerous for that, remember?"



hey friends! let me know how you're liking the story so far. i love writing it so there's that.

I want to get to know all my readers better so I'm going to ask a random question each chapter

random question of the chapter: would you rather be a kangaroo or a frog and why


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