Chapter One

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Chelsea arrives around five o'clock, just like she said she would. Stacy opens the door and does not expect Chelsea to march in with at least five different dresses in one hand and a bag of makeup in the other. Stacy locks the door and holds out her arms for Chelsea to put the dresses in because Chelsea looks like she is going to fall over with everything she is holding. Chelsea sighs in relief when Stacy takes the extra weight out of her arms.

"Thanks. For a second there, I thought I was about to fall." Chelsea wipes her forehead with the back of her hand.

"I did too. That's why I helped you." Stacy laughs.

"Well, shall we get this pre-party started?" Chelsea wiggles her eyebrows. "I brought all the hair and makeup stuff."

"You know I have my own makeup and hair stuff?" Stacy raises her eyebrows. "I can just use my own."

"I guess that works too." Chelsea chuckles. "Did my little buddy leave already?"

"Yeah, Justin picked him up from school. They stopped by here, though." Stacy nods her head and places the dresses on the couch. They are all wrapped up and she doesn't have a clue what they look like.

"Aw, bummer. I miss Jace." Chelsea pouts, setting the bag down on the coffee table.

"Me too." Stacy frowns. She really does miss her son. In fact, she always misses him, no matter where he is at or who he is with; it is one of the many things that comes with being a mother. 

"But we know he's in good hands, so let's get ready!" Chelsea claps her hand. She waltz her way over to the stereo underneath the television and turns the music up full blast. The radio station plays pop music and Stacy can tolerate the music, but she prefers more of hip-hop music. Jace, on the other hand, loves pop music. He knows nearly every song that comes on the radio. That is exactly why it is already on the pop station. 

"I love to hold you close tonight and always, I love to wake up next to you," Chelsea identifies the song on the radio quickly and starts singing along, "This is my jam!"

"Can you please let whoever is singing it sing it? You're not good at singing." Stacy grimaces at Chelsea's poor singing voice.

"Oh, shut up." Chelsea laughs. "Grab the dresses and let's go to your room."


Two hours later, the two beautiful women are standing in line to enter the grand hotel that the gala is being hosted at. Women are in long, silky dresses that compliment their figure. Men are in tuxedos and have their hair slicked back. Chelsea and Stacy are only getting in because Chelsea scored an invitation for herself and a plus one. Her boss at work said she was one of the top workers and that she would love it if Chelsea came to the gala—which Chelsea is used to by now. Chelsea has won many awards for being the best employee, yet she has not risen above the glass ceiling. It is one of the cons of being a woman employed at a business office. Men seem to always get the upper-hand in the corporate world. 

Not only did Chelsea request Stacy as her plus one because she is her best friend, but she requested her because it is time for Stacy to start mingling again. Chelsea has been in a long term relationship for two years now and Stacy hasn't dated anyone since she broke up with Justin. Stacy always tries to explain to Chelsea that it takes a lot more than going on a few dates to fall in love. Stacy needed to take some time to love herself first, and properly overcome any insecurities from her previous relationship. She has to work on things that she does not love about herself before she can love someone else. Maybe she has overcome those insecurities little by little and that is why she is here at the gala tonight. The old her would have stayed at home without any hesitation; she would not even have considered coming out tonight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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