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"Stacy, just come to the gala with me as my plus one. What could go wrong? I don't even see how you hate these things, they are so fun." Chelsea says over the phone.

Stacy thinks long and hard about what she is going to reply. Stacy would rather stay home and binge watch her favorite TV shows; she does not want to go to a fancy gala and socialize with people that are completely out of her league—socially and economically. Chelsea is used to attending fancy galas and parties because it is a part of her job. Stacy is well off financially, but she is not exactly rich either. Some months she has a few extra bucks to spend, and others not so much. Technically, she is financially stable. She has no intentions of gathering in a room with people above her tax bracket; she has heard stories about them and they look down on anyone below them. Her and her son, Jace, live in a dainty two bedroom house. The kitchen is on the smaller side and the basement is unfinished, but she loves her very first home and she would not change anything. All she cares about is her son and how well she can take care of him.

Jace isn't at home right now because he is over his father's house spending the weekend with him—which is why Chelsea is trying to persuade her to go to the gala. Jace's father, Justin, picked him up from school and stopped by Stacy's house to let Jace change out of his school clothes. After Stacy and Justin made polite, yet small conversation and Jace got his bag packed, the two guys left the house. Stacy has nothing planned at all and she will be child free for the entire weekend, but she still is on the fence about going to the gala. Chelsea can argue that it gives her absolutely no reason to decline her offer, but Stacy definitely opposes Chelsea's thoughts.

"I don't have anything to wear." Stacy replies, not agreeing or disagreeing.

"We are about the same size and I have unworn formal dresses in my closet." Chelsea says quickly. "I buy so many that I never end up wearing."

How can Stacy say no when Chelsea has everything worked out? Chelsea puts up a valid argument; she has absolutely nothing to do on a Friday night.

"Fine." Stacy says lowly. "I'll go to the stupid gala, but we better not be staying long."

"Alright, I'll come over your house around five so we can get ready."

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