Chapter 2 Can Believe She Said Yes!!

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Keith's POV

There she was just standing at her locker watching me walk down the hall with all the fan girls surrounding me except she was different she didn't fan girl me she just stared from afar. "Hey babe" Morgans voice got me distracted from watching Kyrie, I guess Morgan noticed I wasnt listening and pressed up against me which was annoying me. I looked around seeing all the fan girls again, if you want to keep them you just have to do your wink and smile. they all awed and looked like they melted, by the time I sent the last wink they were all gone, finally! 

"Morgan, please let go of my arm I am not into you, you're just something  that disgusts me you walk around the whole school latching onto guys arms. That guy will not be me." I snatched my arm back and walked around waiting for it to be time to leave. Finally it was 2:00pm I walked out the classroom putting my stuff in my locker, Walking I saw Kyrie on the floor picking up papers I'm guessing was hers. 

I bent down and helped picking up her papers. I couldn't help but notice her beautiful face it was right here so close and I could kiss her but it was like I was a scared little child again. Scared of the dark and running away to turn on the light. But my brain was just frozen not allowing me to do anything even though I wouldn't do anything anyways. 

"You don't have to help me most people would just walk right by plus I bet you have things to do. You don't have to help I'm fine."Her voice was so soft and like music to my ears, she sounded so persuasive but not enough for me to go away. "Now that wouldn't be very gentleman like now would it?" I looked at her and smiled with my  pearly whites. "Well you're not really gentle material now are you?" she said it like she was trying to sound sassy.

"That really hurt me Kyrie." I was trying to be funny because if I didn't I would have froze. "Oh, please the only thing that could hurt you is being alone." she poked my forehead and got the papers out my hand stuffed them into her back pack and she started to walk outside. "Wait! Kyrie wait up!" I said trying to catch up with her.

"Yes Keith?" "Here's my phone number please call me it's about something important." we walked side by side outside when she realized we were the last two students here. "How did everyone leave so fast?" "Maybe because it's Friday.." I added. "Well, That's it! I'm going to go die in a hole because I have no ride and I was suppose to be sleeping over at Mallory's house tonight and the rest of the weekend." She was just standing there. She was just so beautiful I couldn't help myself but.

"Why don't you just sleep at my place for the weekend no one has to know plus Some of my other friends are starting to show there true colors and I'm not liking them. We can gossip and learn about each other plus I can tell you about what was so important." That was the best Idea since I froze up.

"Fine, but please no one can know or else I will be the gossip and I like to be on the low radar." She was so perfect and when she got inside the car I saw her take a deep breath. I guess she noticed I saw her because I just chuckled.


"Nice house." she didn't really look at it until after she said 'nice house' because right when we walked in she said her line, it had wood floors in the kitchen, dining area and the living room was carpet. The stairs were spiral and marble, The kitchen was huge and Beautiful and of course I did customize it my parents had trust in me for building this house and man I did a good job. "Looks like you're going to like your weekend." I pulled her hand lightly up the spiral stairs into the room on the right. "Now, look here's the deal I need to ask you something." Kyrie nodded her head and I look at her with hard eyes I guessed I looked dead serious.

"I need you to be my girlfriend-" Kyrie didn't care what else I had to say she already knew her answer I guess. "No!... No no no no no. one million times noooooo." she crossed her arms and I uncrossed them. "You didn't even hear me out or let me finish." I looked at her blandly. "As I was saying, before I was interrupted" I coughed while saying Kyrie's name and she just rolled her eyes. "I need you to be my girlfriend because well.." I rubbed the back of my neck and a little tint of pink was in my cheeks because I felt my face get warm.

"Well, because I need for people to think I could actually be in a relationship. And I know no one I know knows you so it would be genius, we don't have to hang out after school unless my friends and I go somewhere and I would like to bring my girlfriend." I put bunny ears when I said girlfriend."Fine, but what do I tell mallory?" I guess I looked confused on who mallory was because she answered me without me saying anything. "My best friend." Kyrie said rolling her eyes. "Oh, right just tell her were dating derr." I commented as if she should have knew the answer.

"We start Monday." I start taking of my clothes until Kyrie cleared her throat.  "Oh, sorry this is my routine so.. you might wanna get used to it." I playfully winked at her and she just rolled her eyes again wow she must not like me. "So where am I sleeping?" "With me of course we are girlfriend and boyfriend now aren't we?"  Kyrie just gave me a glare it hurt to see but hey can't control Kyrie because Kyrie's a goddess. "That doesn't mean we share room."

"Don't be a kill joy I just wanted to have some fun while it lasts, and before you fall in love with me." I just wanted to have fun while I had this open opportunity I kissed her cheek and her cheek was so soft and warm I wish I could kiss those perfect looking lips of hers. She wiped it off which hurt.

"Don't wipe away my affection my girlfriend would love my affection."I slickly said hoping she would agree. "But you see were not at school so this girlfriend boyfriend thing doesn't apply." She winked at me I have no words. "Well then, From now on we will show affection no matter were."she scrunched her nose up and it was such a cute face if only I could have a picture. I put my lips on her cheek again, I felt the sparks I don't know about Kyrie but they were just sending me to cloud nine. Until sadly I predicted she would wipe it off. 

"What?"she said and I just stared at her eyes which were a beautiful brown. Brown eyes might be a common color but it was like I could see threw her and all her emotions but the only one I saw was confused. "Well hello?! Show your daddy some love back." it was no weird I have never told anyone that before dumb brain. "I will never call you daddy in my life. And ew no." Kyrie said waving her arms all around like a crazy person but trying to exaggerate.

"Come on.. I know deep inside you liked my cheek kiss." winking and waiting for the kiss. "I'm not moving until you kiss my soft warm cheek." I stayed there waiting I could wait all day. "You didn't even touch my cheek come on a little closer." I saw her move closer and think she kissed my cheek but she was no where near my cheek at all, and I was not loosing this opportunity to get a kiss from Kyrie. she finally managed to kiss my cheek and I was totally on cloud nine. 

"You're so lucky I'm a nice person." I heard her say under her breath. 

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