No Biting, No Fun

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What Roxas is begging for...

-Axel please, Roxas moand

-Nu-uh, Axel smirked. You won't get to even touch it, not after what you did.

-but...please!? Roxas begged.

-No, Axel said firmly.

- I promise I won't bite at it, pleeease! Roxas begged.

-No, I won't risk you biting it again, Axel said while getting more comfy in the sofa.

-Pleease, I beg you Ax, pretty please, Roxas begged as he knelt down in front of Axel.

-Why would I let you even touch it again after what you did?

-please, Roxas begged while doing puppy eyes.

Axel sight, Fine but no biting, got it memorized?

-mmm, Roxas murmur while looking longingly at the Sea-Salt ice cream in Axel's hand.

-mmm, Roxas murmur while looking longingly at the Sea-Salt ice cream in Axel's hand

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