Chapter Twelve

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"My friend pushed me," I explained, looking around for Harlow. It just so happened that she was already across the room, snickering to herself.

"You'll have to thank them for me, then. I wouldn't have met such a beautiful girl if it weren't for them," he said. My attention returned to him and I took the opportunity to see what this guy looked like. He had shaggy brown hair with matching brown eyes, an athletic build, and looked to be around my age, maybe a little older.

I smiled flirtatiously. "Well I'll just go do that now," I said, winking as I left him.

"Save me a dance," he called. Maybe I would dance after all.

Harlow nudged me with her elbow and smiled at me. I knew she saw the whole encounter with the mystery boy. Huh, I didn't even get his name.

We ate dinner mostly in silence while the adults at our table conversed. The Jensons and the Wests both sat with my family, along with another family with their adorable daughter. When the music came on after dinner, the majority of the adults went to the dance floor, including my parents. It was mainly slow songs for all the couples.

"Care to dance with me?" I looked up and saw the mystery boy in front of me. I grinned and turned to Harlow. She was talking to the young girl at our table since her parents were dancing.

"Sure," I replied, getting up.

He led us to the dance floor before he asked, "So what's your name? I figured it's the least you could give me since you nearly killed me."

"Killed you? You didn't look to hurt earlier," I teased. "But my name is Kody."

"Kody, huh?"

I nodded. "Yup, short for Dakota. What's your name?"

"Jake," he replied. After that, we talked a little more, until we danced during the peaceful silence that overcame us. The 'peaceful' part didn't last too long though once his hands started traveling further down my back. I brought his hand back up and smiled, knowing he was just joking around. However, it happened again much to my displeasure, causing me to push him away.

"What the hell, can't you take a hint?" I growled, trying not to cause a scene.

He stepped closer, whispering in my ear, "I know you want me. Let's go back to my room."

Completely disgusted with him, I was about ready to punch him. Luckily his face was saved when someone interrupted us.

"Mind if I cut in?" Gage asked, glaring at Jake.

"Yeah, I do," Jake retorted, glaring back.

"Well I don't, so leave," I told Jake. "And don't come near me again," I added.

He turned his glare toward me. "Whatever, you're ugly anyway," he spat before walking away, probably seeking a new conquest.

I sighed and turned to Gage. "You don't have to dance with me," I told him, knowing he definitely didn't want to. He probably just saw how I was about to punch Jake and didn't want me to cause a scene.

"I do, actually. My mother has been pestering me to dance with you for the entire night, so let's just get this over with," he said with a blank expression.

I rolled my eyes at him, but complied. It was awkward having his warm hands on my waist as I rested mine on his shoulders. We danced in silence though, so at least we didn't attempt to make small talk and make the situation even weirder.

"You're not ugly, you know," he stated out of nowhere. I almost broke my neck by turning it to face him so quickly.

"Are you actually complimenting me?" I asked, confused and shocked.

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