To end my fairytale story, he ended up breaking my heart when he cheated on me with Jackie. She claimed that she didn't know we were still going out, but I never fully forgave my sister for taking Zack from me. That heartbreak was worse than any other because I really did love him more than anyone else I was with.

Although this all happened two years ago, I felt like a young and naïve girl then compared to now. After finding out about Zack and Jackie, I seriously moped around for a month or two. I spent most of that time at Harlow's, where she tried to comfort me any way she could. Mason offered to beat the crap out of Zack—an offer I almost took—while Gage didn't offer anything, like always.

But that tough time I went through made me grow a thicker skin. Since then, I've been the one to break things off with guys usually, and when I find out they wanted my sister all along, I don't cry over it anymore. It's weird how I almost expect the guys of my school to leave me for Jackie. As much as I hate how nobody ever just wants me, I only have to survive this school year before Jackie leaves for college.

"It's about time you showed up! You were almost late," Harlow said as I walked on the school campus.

"Blame my sister. She told my mom some lame excuse about a student council meeting. Does she honestly believe Jackie would be on the student council?"

Harlow chuckled as she patted down my long light brown hair, which was probably starting to get frizzy in the humid weather. It was straight and boring, but spending time in the humid weather made it look messy. I sighed and shrugged away from her, putting it up in a messy bun. I didn't care if it wasn't stylish or whatever.

"Again, sorry about not picking you up," my best friend apologized.

I waved her off as we started walking to class. "It's not your fault my sister's a lying snotface. I'll just embarrass her at lunch when I tell her she has to drive me home in front of her idiot friends," I replied, smiling evilly as I pictured the scene in my head.

"Can't wait to see that," she laughed, walking toward her math class while I headed to history.


"You missed a spot, Dakota," Mrs. Wilson said, pointing to an area of the table I didn't wipe yet.

"Kody," I corrected her, for the third time today now. Did she seriously not understand I didn't want to be called Dakota?

"Kody is a boy's name," she stated, pointing to another area for me to clean. I heard Gage snicker from across the room, though I ignored him. We were cleaning yet again after school and I didn't want to screw it up by attacking him...again.

I called Mrs. Wilson a few bad names under my breath as she went to check on Gage. Eventually our hour after school was up and we were free to leave. As I walked out of the classroom and toward the parking lot, I looked at the separate building where the dance studio was. If only the school kept it open longer than an hour after school, I would certainly stay longer at this dump school to practice.

I sighed and took my phone out, dialing Jackie's number when I noticed her car wasn't here yet. "Where are you?" I asked after she picked up.

"I'm...out," she said, along with a few giggles. I heard a guy's voice in the background, which made me roll my eyes.

"Well you were supposed to pick me up after school, remember?"

She laughed a few more times and whispered something in the background. "Yeah, well I'm kind of busy right now. Give me another hour."

"Hour? Give you another—you know what, never mind. I'll just walk home," I snapped, hanging up on her. I looked up toward the sky with open arms and yelled, "why me?"

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