Reily's Boarding School.

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From the first time i saw him i knew that my life would change forever. It changed but not as how i expected. now i relook over all this time and think to myself did i make the right choice? This is how my life was changed in many different ways -

Today was my first day of school or what i call Hell. I had just moved to Reily's Boarding School. yes, a boarding school. My aunt and uncle must have just had enough of me and sent me away (after i have been previously been expelled from my last 3 high schools).  I arrived at school after a 3 hour train ride and about a 5km walk from the train station. i have to say i did get a few glances from people i walked past dragging my suitcase with me. I finally arrived at the school. It looked like a castle. It was two stories. There were massive gates... no way i would be able to climb over them to get away. Other people were arriving, all looking very posh with their parents getting their stuff out for their children and giving them a nice kiss and waving good bye. Nothing like that for me. 

I dragged my bags through the gate and towards the front entrance. This wouold have been easy if i didn't have a heavy bag and the path wasn't made of small loose pebbles. Finally reaching the front door i entered following a few other people in. Around me were girls screaming and giving each other welcome back hugs and boys being boys and tackling each other. I quickly walked to the front desk just allocated to the right of the front door. 

"Excuse me" I said to the lady sitting behind the bench in my kindest voice, i don't want to make my reputation bad on the first day. "I'm New" The lady glanced up and smiled at me. "Welcome to Reily's Boarding School, where your school life can be Magical. You must be Iris St John." I sighed why did my parents have to give me such a weird name."Yes thats me." The lady looked through the papers on the bench in front of her and pulled out two sheets of paper. "This here is your timetable, i'm sure i dont need to go through that with you. This, "holding up the other sheet of paper, " is the map of the school" She placed it down in front of me and i leaned over it to have a look. There was a blue section and a pink section on either side of the school. The pink side refered to the area of which only the girls were and the blue was for the boys. Every where else was either classrooms or the masssive dinning room or library.  The rules were simple. No guys in the pink section, no girls in the blue section and for everywhere else no visual "relationship". basically this means you may hug the boys but thats as close as you can get.  It doesnt make a difference to me. I'm not here for love, i'm here to get my act together or at least thats what my aunt and uncle think. The lady then lastly circled a room in the pink section. " This is your room. at the moment your by yourself but when you settle in you can change it up with the other girls." i thanked the lady and headed off down the corridor to my room.

Reily's Boarding School.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora