Drabble: Pick-Up Lines

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Ces: Fuck it. This is adorable.


Drabble "Pick-Up Lines"

Third Person's POV

"Hey Pine Tree." Bill called Dipper's attention to him.

Dipper stopped whatever he is doing and looked at the demon, ready to listen what he's going to say. "What?"

"Did it hurt?" Bill hummed.

Dipper rolled his eyes, he knew that clearly. A pick-up line again. And he's so fed up with this one. "Let me guess, when I fell from heaven?" He mockingly stated.

Bill smirked, taking his lover's chin as he snakes his free arm around his waist, pulling the brunet closer. "Nope." He sang.

"Then, what?" Dipper looked at him, has no idea what's this.

Bill replaced his smirk into a sweet smile, showing his pearly whites. "Did it hurt when you fell for me?"

He dropped a bomb.

I repeat, he just dropped a bomb.

Dipper exploded.


Ces: Lol.

Words: 149

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