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It's totally crazy how one minute life seems pretty normal and within seconds it changes and does and one eighty and everything's different all by just talking to that one person.

It all started at a guys party at his house the guy was a friend of Delancey's boyfriend Tony and they invited me to come with some of my friends.
So me Chelsey Kim and Tina get ready for the party after a days trip to the mall buying outfits.
We arrive at the party at this house that was enormous it was private gated and the place was buzzing there was this guy on the gate ticking names off on clipboard if your name wasn't on the list he would let you in.
Luckily our names was on the list and then I understood why Delancey pestered me for days asking who was coming with me.

"Someone's mommy and daddy are loaded" I say looking to Tina as we walk up to the house.

"Yeah everyone keep your hands off his mine" she jokes as we enter the house that was massive, music was playing and we walk in looking around.

"Brooke!" A guys voice calls I look over seeing Tony walking over with a guy.

"Hey" I smiled as I waved over to him.
"Hi you look great you all do" Tony said  as he greets me in a hug.

"Thanks, you do to, where's Delancey?" I asked

"She around here somewhere" Tony says looking around "ladies I'd like you to meet Bobby it's his parents house" Tony explains as his introduced us to him.

"Lovely to meet you" I say with a smile.'

"You to, help your self to food and drinks and enjoy" he says as he walks off to greet more arrivals.

We all start walking around the house and we quickly found the food and alcohol soon the house was pretty full, Kim Tina and Chelsey all disappeared to find this Bobby as Tina was on a mission for this guys number, he was a bit to nerdy looking for my liking so I stayed back and I was left on my own, I see Delancey talking to Tony and two other guys, Delancey notices me and waves me over and I walk over to her.

"Brooke this is Shane and Rick there friends of Tony" she said pointing to them.

"Hi nice to meet you" I smile out stretching my hand to greet them both shaking there hands, as I shake Ricks hand his touch sent a feeling through my whole body as I shook his hand I looked into his eyes and they was gorgeous, he was gorgeous.

Delancey and Tony quickly leave me Shane and Rick on our own and I felt pretty awkward being left with the two guys I barely knew.

"So you in college?" Shane asks me breaking the silence as he takes a mouthful of his beer.

"Yeah" I nod taking a mouthful of my drink not really knowing what to say.

"So what you both do?" I ask him nervously.

"Cops" Shane tells me causing me to spit my drink back into my cup.

"Your serious?" I reply hoping he was joking.

"No we definitely cops last time I checked" I look at Rick who smiles at me and I knew they was serious.

"Well I should properly put this down then" referring to the cup of alcohol I was holding as I knew I was under age by a few months.

"We won't tell if you don't" Shane said with a cheeky smile upon his face.
I look at him and smile at him and he smiles looking at me from under his eyes.

"So what are you to doing here then?" Tony invited us and we thought why not and Rick here will be house bound soon as his girlfriend has a bun in the oven" Shane explained.

"Really wow congratulations" I smile to Rick a part of me was slightly disappointed for some reason and I didn't know why I barely knew the guy.

"Thanks" Rick said smiling at me his eyes was still looking at me.

"Do you want another drink?" Shane asked me.

"Sure" I smile handing him the cup as he walks away.

"So a baby?" I said to Rick making some kind of conversation.

"Yeah" Rick nods with a smile.

"When's your girlfriend due?" I asked

"Six weeks" he replied.

"Wow not long" I say looking at him as I lean against the wall.

Shane walks over handing me my drink and another beer to Rick.

"So you here on your own?" Shane asked me.

"No" I shake my head looking around at groups of people who was gathered talking and laughing.
Shane leans against the wall closer to me "so who you here with?" He asked me.

"Friends, why?" I asked questioning him.

"Just asking, trying to find out why a girl like you is single" Shane smiled.

"I never said I was" I say pushing myself of the wall looking at him, Shane was leaning there causally with one hand holding his beer and the other he had his fingers hooked through the hoops of his belt loops "and what do you mean a girl like me?" I said glaring at him.

"I think what Shane meant was that your a very attractive girl" Rick said jumping to Shane's defence.
I look at Rick who was standing and I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah that's what I meant" Shane said before drinking more of his beer.

Soon Kim and Chelsey finds me and walk over
"So you dump us for these to hotties" Chelsey giggles us she walks over.

"Hang on you lot ditched me, these two rescued me so I wasn't on my lonesome" I chuckled.
"Wanna dance B?" Kim asked me clearly the alcohol was going through her body as she never wanted to dance, she be the one with her back against the wall till she was completely wasted, I look around seeing that no one else was dancing.

"Sure lets get this place going" I laughed handing my cup to Shane.

Kim and I start dancing and it wasn't long before before other people was joining in, I look over seeing Shane and Rick watching and I point at them waving them over and they shake there heads at me.
I walk over to them and I grab Shane's hand
"Come on officer" I say pulling him he hands Rick his drink giving in and follows me and I start dancing and eventually Shane joins in.

I look over at Rick who was standing watching I look over smiling at him he smiles back his smile was amazing.
I walk over to him and I pull him to the dance floor as the music changed and the song has slowed down.
I wrap my arms around his shoulders and we start dancing his arms traveled down my waist sending shivers down my spine and look at him in the eyes his blue eyes sparkled.
I look over to Shane and I see he was standing talking to Kim and Rick notices
"Think it's Shane's turn" he whispers in my ear which made my heartbeat fast.
Rick gestures to Shane so they could swap places.
Shane and I finish the song and once we finished I walk over to Kim and Rick.

We talked for a while longer mainly about what we did that day when Rick and Shane made there excuses to leave we say out goodbyes and I stand there thinking I'd never see them again when Shane walks back over.

"Here's my number" he said with a smile "hope to hear from you" he said with a cheeky smile before leaning in kissing my cheek.

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