"This one right here," A husky voice spoke from behind me. There was no kindness in the voice. That let me know straight away who it was. He grabbed the spice off the shelf and walked towards Kyle who was just approaching us at that moment. I sighed and turned to walk away from the spices.

"What do you want tonight? Chinese?" Chresanto questioned glancing my way for a short second. I bit my lip and shook my head before looking down at the tile ground for a moment.

"I was planning on cooking dinner today, I'm tired of take out." I confessed looking up at him. He was looking straight forward as we made our way towards the cashier. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. It's very hard to read him at times. I mean, I can tell when he's angry, and annoyed; but that's it. i'm sure those aren't only emotions he can express.

"I'm not in the mode for burnt for," He retorted looking down at me with irritation in his eyes. I scoffed and rolled my eyes before walking ahead of him to where Kyle was setting the loading all the food onto the conveyor belt.

"I'm not going to burn anything," I hissed at him, without turning to face him. I could hear him chuckle, but I didn't say anything more. Ugh. He makes me so angry. Who the hell are you to say something like that? He should be saying thank you! I'm sure he hasn't had a home cooked meal in forever. I don't even need to make him anything. I could cook for myself and leave him with take-out. What an ungrateful person he is. How do people deal with him? I walked in front of the cart to the cashier who was scanning all our items. She would then move it down to the bagger. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. I used my own credit card this time. Chresanto noticed. I watch his brows furrowed in confusion. I met his gaze for a short moment and shrugged. I handed the girl my card and waited as she scanned it, pressing a few buttons. That's when she handed me my card and stared at me for a moment. That's when her eyes slipped to Chresanto and the corner of her pale pink lips pulled up in a smile.

"I knew you look familiar!" The girl suddenly spoke. My eyes narrowed as she smiled at me and looked over at Chresanto.

"You're Akira Washington! Chresanto's fiance. I saw pictures of you two together and-"

"Where?" I said cutting her off as Kyle scooted past me to get the things that were being bagged.

"Here," The girl said as she reached over to the rack of magazines that was there. She grabbed a People's magazine and started flipping through the pages. When she came to a certain she turned the magazine my way. I quickly put my credit card back in my wallet, and placed my wallet in my pocket.

I gently took the magazine from her pale hands and looked at the title of the page.

Chresanto's in love? My eyes scanned over the photos. When were these taken? There were pictures from the first day we started this thing, when he drove me to Joy's to get my stuff. When I was shopping with Ashley and he showed up out of nowhere. Along with when I was going to his job. I began to read the article when the girl cut off my focus.

"I'll just ring it up for you and you can go. You're holding up the line." She explained. I nodded my head and handed her the magazine as she scanned it. I reached in my pocket to get my wallet, but Chresanto was already handing the girl a card with a small smile on her lips. I watched she the cashier girl, who couldn't be any older that 21 gushed. He pale, snow white cheeks were now colored with red as she struggled to hold eye contact with him.

I shook my head, seriously oblivious to what these girls swoon over. I grabbed the back of the cart and pulled it forward to where Kyle stood. He took the bags and set them in cart as Chresanto walked over to me, handing me the magazine.

"Thank you," I muttered taking from him. I flipped back to the page and started reading what was written.

Chresanto in love? It's true! The CEO of Platinum Express Inc and owners of many other companies was seen with a beautiful lady starting about 3 weeks ago. We've never seen him with her before. They were discreet with PDA that was shown. Rumors say that this is Chresanto's fiance of 5 months. This is the first time we've heard of her. An insider says, "Chresanto have been keeping her on the down-low. She doesn't want attention on herself. The two seem to be very much in love." Most people couldn't believe that this was true. Mr. August is known for having many flings and such with women, but a fiance? Where has he been hiding her? A reliable source has told us that her name is Akira. Akira Washington. The 21 year old was born in New York City and has been living away but has just recently moved back. Though there isn't much on how these two came to be, it's clear that she has Chresanto tamed.

Round The Way Girl [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now