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gentry's gr8, the end

lol frick you gen.

"um, thank you luke, but-"

"but, what! why but! no buts please!" luke frantically begged as everyone in the room gasped.

ashton giggles, "i'm kidding, luke!" luke sighed "of course, i'll marry you!"

the priest smiled and announced," i here by declare you husband and husband. you may kiss the groom." luke proceeded to dip ashton and deeply kiss him infront of all.

meanwhile the other luke, luke hemmings, was watching sad love movies as tears streamed down his face. his first ever love was being married to another and after all they've been through, he would've never imagined it.

years of his life, wasted down the drain. it was all for nothing. maybe ashton forgot all about him by now, but luke surely hasn't. you can never forget your first love.

of course luke was invited to the wedding as the best man but luke wouldn't be able to handle it. he should be the one sliding the ring onto ashton's finger, he should be the one dipping ashton and kissing him as his husband.

but he couldn't. not after what he did. i mean you don't just cheat on your fiancé sober just because he said you didn't love him enough. after what luke did, ashton proved him right; luke didn't love ashton enough.

if he could change any moment in his life, he would change what he did, besides that one time in 8th grade where he accidentally saw his teachers thong, and prove ashton wrong, show he does love him, more than anything. but here he is yelling at rose saying she's the one who let go, while ashton is out partying with his now husband and little girl.

sad turn of events but things happen for a reason right?

maybe if luke had given ashton more love, he would be marrying him, he would be having kids with ashton, he would be the one giving him a kiss every night before bed or else he wouldn't be able to go to sleep, or wake ashton up with breakfast in bed, or anything else cute couples do.

it was all because of some kisses that ended it all. it was all because of some kisses that also started it all.



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