Chapter 1.

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"Aren't you going to wear your ring?" My mother asked as I walked down the stairs ready for my day. I rolled my eyes.

"No. I'm not. I've agreed to this. That should be enough." I said grabbing a cup of coffee. I sighed and walked to my mom and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry, that was rude. But you have to realize, that this is what you want. And i'm only doing it because it makes you happy mom." I said sipping my coffee and slipping on my heels.

"As a nineteen year old. I shouldn't be worried about this. Having an aranged marriage. I should be out, with friends, having a good time." I said finishing the coffee and placing the empty mug in the sink. I could feel her eyes staring me down. I looked over at her and she was looking at me like I just kidnapped the president.

"Don't talk to me like I'm beneath you Cassandra. You know this is what your father would have wanted too." She said walking out of the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and walked out into the crisp September air. As I started driving to my fathers, well now my moms, law firm. I thought. This is not what my father would have wanted. Before he died, he would always talk about how it was 'love at first sight' with my mom, and how he knew she was the one and I don't love Liam. Sure he's nice, and he can support me, but I don't love him..

Finally I arrived to the firm. I Got out and the regular valet took my car. When I got in, I walked into my office. Which was my dad's old office. I'm not a lawyer. Yet. But I do help handel a lot of the minor cases. I go to my father's partner Eric. He's with our client.

"What the fuck do you mean parol? The scum was trying to have sex with my sister!" I heard a deep voice say angrily. I sat down besides Eric. I look at the client. He was sitting so I couldn't tell if he was tall or not. But he has dark, curly hair pushed back from his face. With tattooes covering his one arm and a few on the other, then a peircing on his lip to complete his bad boy fasod.

"Who the fuck is this?" He asked Eric. I tilted my head.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." I said taking out a notepad. He chuckled.

"If I could see past you're stuck up bitch attitude. I'd say you're pretty hot." He said winking at me. I scuffed in disgust.

"Mr.Styles here is looking at 6 months porol. I'd say he's pretty damn lucky for beating someone half to death, wouldn't you?" Eric said scribbling something down on his notepad. Of course he did that. I wonder why he isn't getting jail time.

"Yeah, It's complete bullshit though" He said leaning back into the chair.

"That's what they all say. But you're lucky you should be looking at 5 years in prison." I said collecting my stuff, this was going to be an easy case.

"What if I refuse the parol?" He asked catching my attention. I snapped my head to him.

"You'd be very stupid. The DA could get you for five years. You'd be out in three with good behavior. So i'd stick with parol if I were you. It's an easy case." I said putting my things in my hands. He looked up at me, I was caught off by the beauty in his eyes. They were a bright green. I snapped out of it.

"I don't like easy. I like a challenge." He said standing up along with Eric and I. I was surpirsed when he towered over me.

"Nice meeting you.." He said holding out his hand. I walked past him and before opening the door I turned to him.

"Martin.. Cassandra Martin." I smiled.he laughed.

"Well Cassandra. Don't get things twisted. I don't want to fuck you or anything. I just think you're hot." He said sliding past me and bumping into my shoulder throwing me slightly off balance. I walked back to my office after that meeting and threw my things on my desk. I looked in my purse to see if my phone was there but it wasn't. I ran out into the hallway to retrace my steps. Distracted I missed the tall figure string in front of me and bumped into him.

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