Chapter Twenty-Eight: National City

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National City, 12/27/15, 12:54 PM

Tula roared in rage as she blasted the parademons back with her mystic energy as the group began circling up amid the swarm.  Raven blasted at the parademons as well with her magic while Bumblebee flew around shocking parademons away.  Red Star blasted at them as well, the whole group hitting the swarm with everything they had.  Wildcat slashed at them as they lunged towards the group.

The parademons kept coming though as they swooped in slashing at the group.  Red Star had collected many scratches and scars from the swarm.  A parademon dove into the center of the group and Tula immediately leaped atop it to rip its head from its torso.  She wrapped her hands around it casting spells as she removed the head and tossed it into the fray.  She leaped over it and landed at the edge of the ring of heroes as they kept fighting off the swarm.

Another parademon lunged at Tula, but she blasted it back creating a small space ahead of her.  She began moving forward, but another parademon moved in tripping her and raising it's claws up to bring them down on her.  The parademon was hit back by a blast of energy from Red Star as he turned around quickly hitting it back.  Tula felt the exhaustion gnawing away at her as she raised her hands blasting another parademon with a mystic-spell.  The spell ripped the parademon apart and scattered the pieces hitting others away.  

"We need to move!"  Bumblebee yelled as she dodged a slash from a parademon.  Raven raised her arms lifting it up in the air and crushing it with her magic, "We won't last much longer out here!"

"Agreed."  Tula nodded looking up at the sky as the swarm began to group up, "MOVE!"  She yelled to them as the swarm began to turn back towards them.  The group began sprinting for the nearest building as the parademons flew down in a pack towards them.  They ripped through trees and structures as the group made it to the building rushing inside.  Raven lifted up several pieces of furniture to attempt and barricade the door and windows, but it was little use as a parademon crashed in.  Wildcat leaped over rubble as he ran forward.  Red Star flew in punching it back and blasting through its body with his energy blasts.  The group moved further into the building they now realized was an indoor mall.  

The group moved down into the lower level of the mall.  They ran as fast as they could past department stores, small shops, and little stands in the middle of the walkway.  Raven lifted up stands as they moved through and threw them back as parademons that had managed to break in.  The ceiling began crumbling as more piled in through the glass above.  The group made their way into a large domed area of the mall where two large fountains sat still on and with plenty of water.  Tula skidded to a stop in between the two and turned around raising her hands as the parademons crashed in swarming the mall.  Tula raised her hands and pushed her palms towards the parademons using her magic to spill the water into the air and blast them back.  She powered her spell with mystic energy hitting the parademon swarm with all the power she had.  The parademons were hit back as the water sprayed them down and the mystic energy ripped them apart.  

A hand caught onto her shoulder as she looked back seeing Bumblebee pulling her towards the group.  Tula allowed her to pull her away as the spell subsided and the surviving parademons grouped up.  The heroes sprinted through the mall with the end in sight as the parademons flew after them.

The group moved into the department store at the end of the hall and quickly made their way to the exit as the parademons crashed in.  Red Star and Raven held them back as Tula, Wildcat, and Bumblebee blasted out and moved into the parking lot.

It was as if this hell would never end.

Tula looked up at the sky as the swarm of parademons floated there, they had been awaiting their arrival the entire time.

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