Chapter Twenty: Gotham

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Gotham, 12/26/15, 3:56 PM

Kaldur slammed his trident into one of the parademons as the group went on the offensive.  Strange enough, some villains were helping them now, Bane, Killer Croc, Sonar, Icicle Jr., Livewire, Clayface, and Cheetah had all intervened to help.  Bane killed Constantine, the group was fighting back now, they had a true army.

Kaldur rushed the parademon line next to Cassie as the two fought side-by-side.  His joy for her being back was unmatched, he looked over at her as she swung through the swarm smashing parademons back with her blonde hair flowing as she danced among the monsters.  He blocked a parademon's bite as Cassie grabbed it and tossed it into the fray.  

Killer Croc leaped in the middle of the swarm crushing a parademon under his feet as he caught another and bit into its torso.  Icicle Jr. and Sonar stood back to back blasting away the creatures as they swarmed up around them.  Livewire ran in electrocuting the swarm back and helping the two metahumans.  Clayface caught anything that tried to attack him and then crushed them.  Cheetah leaped among the monsters slashing through their armor.  Bane stood in the middle with Connor by his side punching and grabbing the parademons out of the air.  

Artemis and Wally sped around with Wally holding Artemis in his arms as she shot arrows out.  Firestorm flew through the sky blasting at the swarm while Black Lightning and Kyle both blasted at them from the ground.  Risk and Wildcat moved as a duo blasting and slashing through the crowd while Doctor Fate flew up into the swarm blasting many back allowing the rest of the group to pull out the stragglers.  

Kaldur looked over as Killer Frost moved through blasting the creatures back, but one slashed her in the side.  He widened his eyes as another moved in behind her raising its claws up to drive them into her spine.  Kaldur raised his trident like a spear and threw it spearing the parademon down.  Killer Frost looked at the parademon behind her then at Kaldur and nodded.  Kaldur ran over for his trident, but a parademon landed in front of him knocking him down.  It turned around as Killer Frost moved up to it blasting it with her ice.  She helped Kaldur up with a smile,

"You save my ass, I save yours."  She nodded to him and quickly pushed him behind her as she blasted another parademon back.  Kaldur grinned as he moved over getting his trident, this could work after all.  They were beating the swarm back, there were few parademons left now.  

Kaldur slashed another back allowing Killer Croc to snatch it up in his claws.  Kaldur looked up as Cassie and Doctor Fate blasted another parademon down.  The rest had either retreated or were still getting destroyed.  They had won... they actually won.

"We did it!"  Wally yelled in victory speeding over to Kaldur as he set Artemis down, the two kissed.  Kaldur smiled as Cassie landed next to him and he placed a kiss on her lips as well.  They knew they could beat the parademons, now for Darkseid.

"We need to assess the true threat."  Kaldur nodded looking up at the Warworld, "Darkseid."

"At least we have something we can agree on."  Bane said walking over with his group, "We want this world to stay as much as you."

"We have an army to fight his."  Doctor Fate said landing next to Bane, "We can beat him."

"We had an army at the precinct."  Black Lightning noted, "He still crushed us."

"This'll be different, we know what we're up against.  We can win, we just need to get there..."

"The Flash said something about that when he sped over..."  Wally yelled moving into the circle, "We can see what he has to say!"


The group formed a circle around the Flash as Rick Flagg and Deadshot stood to the side of him.  Kaldur moved to the front along with Bane and Cassie.

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