Chapter Eight: Mount Justice II

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Mount Justice II, 12/11/15, 1:29 AM

Wonderwoman listened intently as John Constantine began his story.  She stood with her arms crossed next to Martian Manhunter along with the rest of the League that was present.  The Team was dealing with their own problems while Kaldur'ahm dealt with Slade and Artemis.  The rest of the League gathered by the creature in its containment pod with Constantine beside it.

"This creature is called a Parademon.  It is a minion of Darkseid, whom some of you may remember from the founding of the League."  Constantine explained looking up at the huge creature.

"Darkseid is coming back?"  Wonderwoman's eyes widened as her mind replayed the League's first battle against the giant menace.  Now he had an army of dangerous creatures on his side that alone could destroy the earth.

"Yes, he is on his way here."  Constantine sighed, "I tried to stop him along with Zatanna, but he killed her and nearly killed me."

"How did you escape?"  Shazam asked crossing his arms as his mouth gaped wide open.

"I used magic."  Constantine explained, "He also commands a huge planet sized war machine space station that is on its way here.  Its called the Warworld."

"Warworld?"  Red Tornado asked, "Please elaborate."

"A giant space station, starship, and death machine."  Constantine let out, "We need to rally the League, where is Superman or Batman or the Green Lanterns?"

"Dead."  Wonderwoman spat out, "We are the League, minus one or two others."

"What?"  Constantine widened his eyes, "Superman?  Batman?  They're..."

"Dead.  Died a few months ago in our last escapade."  Hawkgirl sighed with grief, "So did the Atom..."

"Nonetheless, we must ready ourselves to deal with him."  Constantine repeated himself, "Darkseid is planning on making us all suffer.  He won't destroy the Earth, he's going to conquer it."

"Conquer?"  Wonderwoman asked tilting her head, "Why do that?"

"To torture you all with defeat."  Constantine replied, "We need to get the Watchtower ready to deal with it, we need-"

"John."  Martian Manhunter walked forward, "You don't understand, much has changed.  We've lost many, gained some new, and the Watchtower was destroyed.  The Hall of Justice was destroyed as well, this is all that is left."

"Then we must gain some new assets."  Constantine persisted, "Darkseid is going to destroy us if we do not."

"We will work on it, but right now Black Canary is missing.  We have to find her and stop the Red Hood."

"HEY EVERYONE!"  Kaldur ran in with Wondergirl by his side, Wonderwoman sighed as she expected more bad news.

"I have some big news!"  Kaldur yelled rushing in, "We know who the Red Hood is!"

"Who?"  Wonderwoman asked walking towards them.

"It's Bruce!"  Kaldur let out finally, Wonderwoman froze as her eyes widened and she stood there appalled.

"Impossible... Bruce Wayne died... He can't... He wouldn't..."  Her mind told her no, but now as she thought of all the things the Red Hood had done, it made sense to her.  He knew their identities, their weaknesses, and was just as trained as Bruce himself.  Originally, Wonderwoman thought it could have been Jason, but the Red Hood's height and size had not made any sense to her.  Now she knew why, because it was never Jason Todd under that mask, it had been his teacher, Bruce Wayne instead.

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