Chapter 18: Change Your Mind

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Sorry it took so long for me to write this. Normally I could've pounded this much out in no time, but it's been probably my most stressful week of college so far. But, now I have a few days of down time so I'll start working on the next chapter right away. Thanks for all your support!! Love ya! =D



            And the conquering heroes have arrived, I thought to myself.

            Admittedly, I was shocked to see Harry and his friends show up to save the day, but at the same time I wasn’t. They never knew how to leave things be without interfering. It had been that way since say one- the sorcerer’s stone, the Chamber of Secrets, Sirius Black, the Triwizard Tournament, the list went on and on. Undoubtedly they were here to solve their issues with me, but I knew once they had spotted Voldemort the situation was only going to get worse. I glanced between them and the Death Eaters; I sat between them, unsure of whom I was actually going to be fighting.

            Never in my short life had I been so mad, so irritated beyond belief. You couldn’t trust anyone these days. I hated myself; why had I entrusted Voldemort of all people to look over Audrey? Oh, yea, that’s right. I thought I could trust him. He had no idea what hell he had unleashed inside of me. He had never seen my full potential, and tonight I was going to show him exactly who he was messing with. But at the same time, I knew Harry was going to want to get payback for what I did earlier. My mind was racing. Something had to give. What was my best bet? Staying on the side of the Death Eaters, fighting Harry, Ron, and Professor McGonagall? Or joining them, keeping my new vow against Lord Voldemort? I made my decision; after moving Audrey, seemingly unnoticed for a moment, to the back of the room out of the way, I joined Harry’s side.

            “What do you think you’re doing, Fowl?” he questioned me. “You’re on their side!”

            I shook my head. “Not anymore I’m not.” I could feel the venom in my words. I noticed Malfoy had stood by me as well. Even he was keeping his word. “A promise was broken to me, one that can’t be mended.”

            “You broke a promise to me! You’re not my friend, and you’re not on my side,” Harry shot back. “You’re no good. Get over yourself.”

            “You know, this lover’s quarrel has gone on long enough,” Voldemort shouted over us. “You two both are getting to be a real pain in my side.” I saw that he had pointed his wand at our group. “Either stand together and fight, or fall in pieces. Your choice.”

            Harry looked to me, as if he was debating something in his head. When he turned away from me, he looked back at Voldemort. “Do your worst,” he announced. “You’re outnumbered.”

            Voldemort, Bellatrix, and Wormtail all chuckled evilly, wands all suddenly at the ready. Before anyone else could get any words out, spells were being launched. We all had picked a victim- Harry and I focused on Voldemort, McGonagall focused solely on Bellatrix, whilst Malfoy and Ron made an unlikely pairing against Wormtail. My focus drifted away from the group as Harry and I worked together to try to bring down our newfound worst enemy. The magic from our wands combined in an intriguing purple color, combining the red from his and the blue from mine. Together, we tried to make our magic over-power the green spell stemming from Voldemort’s wand. I honestly wasn’t quite sure how long we’d be able to hold him off; all I knew is that I didn’t want that spell to hit either one of us.

            I cleared my mind of anything. I needed to put all my energy into the situation at hand. Focus, Fowl, I thought to myself. You can do this. I was determined, and a determined Fowl always got what he wanted. And I wanted to put an end to this, before anyone else got hurt.

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