Chapter 3: Chicken Grease

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The editing is going faster than suspected. Already on the third part. Hope you all enjoy this one as well. There will be more to come soon!



            I approached the Gryffindor table with a bit of uneasiness. I could feel his sapphire blue eyes staring at me as I walked away. It made me uncomfortable. But at least now we were talking and I didn’t seem like a complete stalker anymore. Nikkie and Harry watched me as I sat down across from them. Nikkie had a huge smile on her face.

            “So… been spending a lot of time with Fowl, haven’t ya?” she replied.

            I glared at her. “No. We just started talking today.”

            “Don’t lie. You have been,” she insisted.

            I shook my head. “We’ve just been talking.”

            “Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Nikkie inquired, a huge smile still on her face.

            I gave her a stern look, but then Harry spoke.

            “You know Audrey, there’s always Ron,” he persisted. He was dead set on hooking me up with Ron. I was honestly sick of him insinuating that we needed to be together.

            I sighed. “I don’t want Ron!”

            “Awwww… you know you think he’s smexy,” Nikkie retorted.

            “He is NOT smexy,” I answered. “Nothing he does will make me like him.”

            I couldn’t have made my point any sooner. The ginger haired boy appeared seemingly out of nowhere, with a leg of chicken in hand. He approached the table. So far I had remained unnoticed, and I was thankful for that.

            “I bird ma bame,” he said with food in his mouth. I thought I saw a bit of chicken fly from his mouth and looked to Nikkie. That’s when Ron noticed me.  He quickly sat the chicken down, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his robes.

            “Oh hey, Audrey,” he said after swallowing his bite, trying to use what he thought was a sexy voice. He still had chicken grease on his face, despite his attempts to clean up.

            “Hi Ron,” I muttered, unenthused. This was going to be one of those days. I was going to have to be rude to get him away from me. And I hated being rude for no reason.

            “So I saw you talking to Fowl,” he brought up.

            I sighed. “Yea? What about it?”

            “Didn’t know you guys were friends,” Ron mumbled. “Thought he didn’t know you existed, though I don’t know how that’s possible either.”

            “Oh no, we’re more than that,” I lied. I was willing to lie to get him off my back.

            Ron gave me a confused look. I think I had done it. He was finally going to leave me the heck alone. He gave me a frown before walking away.

            “Well what’d ya do that for?!” Harry exclaimed. “He didn’t do anything!”

            “What? I was going to say ‘teammates’,” I shot back. “If he wants to take it some other way that’s his problem.”

            We sat in awkward silence for a few moments before I decided to head to Slytherin’s common room. The silence was so strong it was beginning to give me a headache. “I’ll talk to you guys later,” I announced, getting up from the table.

            I left the two sitting there alone. I had a lot on my mind, and all I wanted was to be left alone. I was alone as I walked through the hallways. I got down to the dungeons where our dormitories were. I entered the common room slowly, hoping what was inside it was something far more enjoyable than being hit on by Ron Weasley.

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