Chapter Sixteen: Left With More Questions

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Chapter 16

All day and all night the trio of boys lingered in my head like a bad after taste. To say I was curious as to whom those boys were, then that would have been the understatement of the century. The curiosity I held inside was like an itch that couldn't be scratched because you just couldn't quite reach it.

You know what they say right, curiosity killed the cat; well luckily for me, I'm not a cat.

After our encounter Reese was silent as he brought me back home. He gave me a small simple kiss on the lips before departing back to his house. With everything in my soul I wanted to reach out and touch him. I wanted him to talk to me and tell me who those boys were. I mean it was obvious that he knew them.

I wondered why he didn't tell me who they were. Well I know for sure that they most definitely were NOT friends. Nobody treated friends so malicious.

I sighed and looked at the clock I had been laying in bed now for the past three hours pondering on my thoughts. I couldn't take it anymore so I got out of my bed and pulled on a pair of black sweats, tshirt, and hoodie. I was about to be discreet as possible. After slipping on my black Nike running shoes, I opened my window and jumped out, making sure to tuck and roll when I hit the ground.

I stood up cautiously and smiled to myself. Perfect landing, I give myself a 10!

The entourage of boys said the would be hanging out and around for awhile so hopefully I could find them. The first place I was going to check was the park.

Upon reaching the park I surveyed the area and sighed. The boys were nowhere in sight. I groaned in frustration. Where else would be they be.

I made my way towards downtown. There were several hotels and motels for them to stay at. I was just going on a whim. For all I knew they could be staying at a friends house.

Lampposts were scattered sparingly. About ten feet apart the posts were, so of course there were areas were no light hit the sidewalk at all.

The temperature was steadily getting colder seeing as how the night was progressively getting later and later. I left my house at 1:15 AM and it was now 2:30.

Not paying attention I tripped over a stupid rock. I caught myself before I managed to face plant into the sidewalk. There was a cackling of laughter coming from behind me.

I turned around but the laughing echoed in the wind. I tightened my hoodie around my head and kept walking. More laughing sounded off from the behind me.

My head whipped around and the hair in my ponytail slapped me in the face causing me wince slightly. More laughter rung in the air.

I do believe my paranoia was beginning to set in. I took four even deep breaths to calm myself before I spoke. "Nicolai, come out. I know your there," I shouted out into the night on a whim hoping it was him and not some psychotic killer or a rapist.

Nicolai and his boys emerged from the shadows fasted from the large full moon. His skin seemed translucent almost.

"Well, well, well, what do we got here?" he seemed to purr. I clenched my jaw and quickly smiled.

"Who are you?"

Nicolai clicked his tongue in a disproving manor. "My dearest Alison, didn't we go over this already? My name is Nicolai Castroff, son of the wealthy sinister Nathan Castroff."

I rolled my eyes as the boys came closer to me. The were now standing about three feet in front of me. "I know your name, but I mean how do you know Reese?"

A mischievous smile appeared on Nicolai's lips. "Ah, how cute. Reese's girlfriend runs to us for the answers and not him." He paused for a second. "Do tell me one thing, why ask me and not him? What do you gain from asking me questions instead of him? All you know I could fill your head with lies."

I tightened my lips into a fine line, thinking hard for several long seconds and decided to play tough. "First off, you won't lie to me because you have some dirty little secrets your hiding and you are just dying to tell me. Secondly, I ask you because I hope you would be more truthful to me then he would. He would try and save his ass and lie to me. Thi-"

I was cut off by Nicolai, "oh. Someone has a mouth, and going behind the boyfriends back... I like it." There was something cruel in his voice that made me believe that he liked me going behind Reese's back.

"Why should I tell you how dearest Reese and I first met? How we used to be best friends. How he stole the love of my life just so I could not have her. Why?"

I gulped down a large sum of air and noticed that the two boys- whose names I forgot- have not said a single word. I looked past Nicolai and realized the two boys disappeared without me even noticing. Strange.

"Why," he repeated.

I sighed before rubbing my neck frustrated. I smiled with the perfect comeback. "Why not?"

He smirked at me before motioning for me to follow him and we sat down on the street curb. "Reese and I used to be friends. That was another place and a completely different time. I won't tell you the year because if you haven't noticed precious little Reese still had some dirty little secrets he's hiding. I'll leave those for him to tell you so he can break your heart..."

I pondered on that hard and long for several seconds and before I could ask what he meant he spoke again. "I fell in love with the beautiful most amazing girl in the world. She was from a higher social class, just like Reese and I, and we were steadily falling more and more in love with her. Bitter things happened between Reese and I that summer and I was planning on asking Esmeralda to be mine. But Reese came up with a grand scheme called Operation Steal Esmeralda. It worked too. He turned his young charm on and stole her from me. We've never been the same since our fight and since he stole Esmeralda away from me."

I looked over at Nicolai and realized that he seemed to be in a far off distant place. I placed my hand on his knee and he snapped back into reality. I now felt like there was a whole different side or Reese that I've never even scratched the surface of knowing.

Caught in the depressing moment, without thinking, Nicolai captured my lips with his. I found myself closing my eyes and kissing him back. Abruptly as the kiss started, I ended it.

I stood and backed away from Nicolai as quickly as I could. "We can't," I manage to stutter out.

On his thin lips was a smile tugging on the corners. Something twinkled in his eyes like a newly discovered plan. Something told me I wouldn't like.

"You'll be screaming my name before the end of the week..." he said that before he vanished before my very eyes.

Just like our last encounter I was left with a million and one questions, but at the moment, one questioned trumped all.

What the HELL was that?


Hey guys sorry this was late, my Internet was cut off and so I don't have Internet at home and so this is all typed up on my iPod so do forgive me for any errors. EA will be updated tomorrow(3

<3 Leighanna!

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