Testo Bite

883 49 35

Album: Blue Neighbourhood
Pubblicazione audio: circa a settembre 2015
Pubblicazione video: lo scriverò appena avremo una data confermata


Kiss me on the mouth and set me free,
sing me like a choir.
I can be the subject of your dreams,
your sickening desire.
Don't you wanna see a man up close?
A phoenix in the fire,
so kiss me on the mouth and set me free,
but please don't bite.

You can coax the cold right out of me,
drape me in your warmth.
The rapture in the dark
puts me at ease.
The blind eye of the storm.
Let's go for a walk down easy street,
where you can be reborn.
And kiss me on the mouth and set me free, but please don't bite.

I'm pulling on your heart
to push my luck.
'Cause who's got any time to growing up?

Kiss me on the mouth
Kiss me on the mouth
Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Kiss me on the mouth and set me free

Kiss me on the mouth and set me free,
sing me like a choir.
I can be the subject of your dreams,
your sickening desire.
Don't you wanna see a man up close?
A phoenix in the fire,
so kiss me on the mouth and set me free,
but please don't bite.

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