Tash Mann

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I can never remember a time that I was not reading except when I had a slump. I grew up in a home that encouraged reading and now I think my family regrets it. I rather have my head stuck in a book then do anything else, well except shopping. I discovered books by chance, devouring my small school library and buy books. When I discovered Goodreads in 2011, I also discovered the wonderful world of book blogging and my immediate thought was I want to do that. I wanted my own personal place where I could share my own thoughts about books instead of bottling it all up in my head as I had no friends at the time who were obsessed with reading like I was that I could share my thoughts and recommendations with. In August 2012 I launched Confessions From Romaholics and the rest we can say is history. Since then I have have some wonderful opportunities including being an organiser for SAE which is one of the massive highlights of my blogging life.

Becoming a blogger has made me open my horizons and discover books that I would have never read before . It has allowed me to escape from the mundane everyday life and throw myself into another world for a few hours. There is nothing better and I have had spent sleepless nights devouring these books,trying to find new authors and I' was over the moon to meet some of these authors when they signed at SAE14.

Without opening my horizons I would have never discovered the wonderful authors that are attending this year. SAE 14 was a dream come true to us and brought together the six of us who were perfect strangers before the event. Two years of blood and tears went into the event and it was amazing to see everything come into fruition and our dreams come true.

With SAE 16 happening only in a matter of months, I can't wait to do it all over again and experience the rush, the joy and excitement as we host another SAE.

Bring on SAE 16!



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