Once I take the headache pills, I go back to my room, grab my blanket, pillow, and phone and head back to the couch. I plan on either falling asleep or laying here; I don't want to do a single thing today.

I check my phone for the time, after I get settled in and see that it's only eight. I haven't had a text message from anyone, but everyone is most likely still asleep. I turn on the television and set the brightness to a lower setting because my eyes are sensitive. I settle for Duck Dynasty re-runs since the newest season only started last night. Si has always been my favorite, I think it's because we're on the same brain-wave.

As the fifth episode begins, my stomach growls. I reluctantly get up and make a bagel with butter and jam, my favorite. I pour a glass of milk and go back to the hole I've made in the couch, deciding to eat there. I hear my phone vibrate on the glass table in front of me; it's Michael calling. 

"Hello?" I answer.

"Morning, can we talk," he says in a monotone voice.

"Uh, sure? Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Just about last night.." 

"Do you want to come over, or do it over the phone? I'm home alone," I tell him.

"I'm coming over," he says.

"Doors unlocked," I hang up. Just seconds later the door is being opened and a less-than-pleased Michael walks in.

"What's up buttercup?" I joke, trying to lighten his mood.

"Last night, I just think we should clear some stuff up," he sits next to me, but a good distance away, which is weird.

"Before you start, you should know that I remember nothing. I remember taking the first couple bottles, then coming back and getting sick, but nothing in between. So, before you scold me, you should tell me why.." I start.

"You don't remember anything?" he asks skeptically.

"Try me!" I offer.

"Nah, I believe you. You were pretty trashed," he laughs.

"So what happened?" I ask. His face shifts uncomfortably.

"Oh. Uh, nothing. It's not important anymore," he turns away. Something is bothering him a lot.

"Ah, come on Mikey, you can tell me," I lean over to him and give him my best puppy eyes.

"You just.." you could see his mental debate to tell the truth or make something up, being played out on his face.

"Just what?" I nudge him. His face is twisted. "Holy shit, did I sleep with someone?" I laugh to myself. 

"Well I.." he starts. 

"Michael Clifford. Did something happen last night?" I panic. He's kidding, right?

"You don't remember it though," he shrugs his shoulders. I sit there, my mind completely blank. I seriously did it  with my best friend? What? My downstairs still feels the same. I haven't said anything, my mind remaining empty. "I'M JUST KIDDING! Shoot," he laughs.

"Oh my gosh! You scared me! I couldn't be doing that while I'm drunk!" I slap his arm.

"I wouldn't have let you," he laughs again, but with a serious tone.

"Good. So why are you mad at me?" I ask.

"I was going to warn you that you fell down the stairs, and someone took a picture of it, but no worries, I think I deleted them all before they were sent," he smiles.

"For real, for real?" I don't fully believe him.

"For reals," he says with a light tone.

"Well then, thank you."

"No problemo, dude. I gotta run though," he says, getting up and heading in the direction of the door.

"Bye brothuhmon," I attempt a Jamaican accent. That was actually a terrible impression. Wow.

He laughs and walks out. I wonder if that's really what happened.. I guess the world will never know what Mr. Clifford does. I finish the next episode when I realize my headache is subsiding. I decide to go back to my room; change of scenery. I open my windows to let in fresh air. It feels nice after the stale air from downstairs.

A voice drifts up through my windows. I hear Michael talking on his phone to someone. I know that he would be able to see me, plain-as-day if I stand in the window, so I stay off to the side, eavesdropping. Of course I can only hear what Michael was saying, not the other person. Whoever it is, obviously made him mad.

"Dude, you can't just do that!"


"I've liked her for my whole life! One party doesn't just give you the right to do that to me!"

"Don't be a dick."

"Fine, if she likes you, you can have her. If she likes me, then you can fuck off. K?"

"I can't believe you'd do this to me.. What about the bro code every guy goes by? Just too good for it?"

"Whatever mate." 

With that, he ends the call. This is clearly about me, but who is the other guy? I don't talk to any one other than Michael. Bro code? I'm not a prize. I'm not something you can claim for being first in line for. Screw the 'bro code'..

Bro Code : Luke Hemmings IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now