"Get down before you get someone hurt," snapped a banker.

Parker waved her hand. "I know what I'm doing."

The people staring in astonishment at Parker abruptly averted their eyes; an obvious sign of the incoming intruder. Parker wasn't at all surprised when she felt a gun reach the back of her head. "On your knees," he ordered.

"There's only one man I get on my knees for," she smirked.

"Parker," chuckled Leonard Snart. She turned. He dropped the gun. "What a pleasant surprise."

"I thought after our last run in, you'd be giving up this life," she said.

"Gotta pay the bills somehow."

"You're meant for more than a life of crime," said Parker, tilting her head. "You're better than that. There's good in you. I've seen it."

"Funny. Your boyfriend tried to pull the same thing on me," said Snart.

Parker shrugged. "What can I say? He's good at those speeches."

Snart nudged the gun into her shoulder. "Oh, Parker. I won't steal money from you, I like you."

"You're not going to steal from anyone," said Parker, finished playing. "I won't let you."

Snart swaggered closer to her. His lips rested by her ear. "You forgot I don't work alone," he whispered.

Parker took advantage of his close proximity. She slammed her foot on his toe, his torso bent, and she tackled him. On the floor, her fist raised above his face. "Tell me where Mick is."

"Your hero act could use some work, Park," teased Snart.

"I'll keep that in mind," said Parker. her grip on his collar tightening.

"It's a shame you never considered a life of crime," choked Snart. He forced a smile. "You would have been a great partner."

Parker opened her mouth. She was forced to close it when, again, a gun was set on her head.

"On your feet, sweet cheeks," said Mick Rory.

Parker hesitated. Gears in her head churned, thinking of an escape plan. However, as much as she wanted to believe she was super, she was one girl against two men with element guns. She stood no chance.

Snart swept his gun from the floor. Rory started jogging to the exit. "Until next time," said Snart, sending a wink Parker's way. He and Rory disappeared through the door.

Parker didn't bother to stand from her spot on the floor. Over the sound of relieved cries, she yelled, "Tell me somebody called the cops."

"Aren't you going to go after him?" asked a banker sassily.

"Who do you think I am?" asked Parker, her face scrunching.

"They stole money!" insisted another woman.

"Is that my thanks for saving your lives?" asked Parker as she climbed to her feet. Silence and avoidance of her she followed. "Ungrateful bastards," she grumbled.

Shuffling into the cold air of the night, Parker searched viciously for Harry and the S.T.A.R Labs van. If anyone could trash-talk humanity with her, it was him.

In the midst of frantic searching, Parker collided with a man. She bounced back. "Whoa, my bad. Guess I should look where I'm going, huh?"


Parker's head whipped to the man before her. The position in which he stood, hands on his hips, caused his brown tench coat to be drawn back, revealing a futuristic type gun on his belt.

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