Hermanita (Law and Order: SVU)

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REQUEST BY: BigTimeDirectioner13

REQUEST: You should do an SVU one where someone's (Barba or Carisi or Liv catch my drift lolll) little Sister comes into there work beaten up by there drunk high boyfriend.


Rafael Barba x little sister!Reader

TRIGGER WARNING: Domestic violence, injuries.

(Law and Order: SVU)

A/N: Hermanita - Little sister.... Hermano Mayor - big brother.... Thanks for the request! I love writing brother sister imagines! Request more!

How could you be so stupid?! Your mom taught you better than this. Your older brother is going to be so upset with you.

    You lay in a ball in the corner of the alley. You need to leave. What if he comes back?

    You quickly scramble to your feet. Starting to sprint to the precinct where your older brother usually is. Your brother is Rafael Barba.

    You keep running from him. Him as in your boyfriend. He is 2 years older than you and he decided to get drunk. You continue to run the 7 blocks to the precinct, even though your feet burned.

    When you arrived you ran to the floor that you knew Olivia and hopefully your brother would be. Olivia was the only one that you have ever met of any of Rafi's friends.

    You arrived at your destination, and looked frantically for anyone you knew. Luckily you saw Olivia.

    You ran to her, feeling a black eye forming, and blood dripping from multiple spot, i mean you were just beaten to a pulp.

    "Olivia!" You cry when you reach her. Olivia frantically spins around and notices you.

    "(Y/N)? What happened to you?" She asks you place a hand on your shoulder examining all your wounds.

    "I'm fine, where is Rafi?" You ask crying.

    "(Y/N), you don't look fine. What happened? Ill call Rafael." She says trying to calm you down. "Come with me." She signals you to come sit at her desk.

    "My boyfriend, (Y/BF/N), he-he got drunk, an-and" You stuttered.

    "Okay, (Y/N), you have to calm down. Breathe." Olivia calms me. "Carisi, call Barba. Tell him his sister is here and it is an emergency."

    You quickly turn around and look at a tall thin man, supposedly Carisi, dialing your older brother. Rafa always knew how to help in a situation. There was quiet an age difference between the two of you. You had different fathers, and he was in his early 40's and you were in your mid teens.

    "He is on his way." he says as he hangs the phone up.

    "Okay (Y/N), continue." Olivia says.

    You were about to start to talk again when you heard the door slam.

    "(Y/N)?! Hermanita?!" You quickly spin around and see Rafael running towards you. You stood up and ran to him, practically jumping into his arms. "(Y/N)? What happened to you?"

    "It was (Y/BF/N). He-he got drunk." You say between sobs.

    "(Y/N), you are both underaged." He says calmly. If you weren't so hurt or sad he would had been yelling at you fro drinking.

    "Hermano mayor, I didn't drink. I promise. Only (Y/BF/N) did." You sobbed.

    "Okay, okay. What did he do to you?" Rafi said letting you go and bringing you to the table where you sat down and he continued to talk to you as if you were a victim and not his little sister.

    He did not like the fact that the thing that he puts people away for might had happened to his little sister.

    "He-he brought me, into the a-alley, and he pushed me up against the w-wall." You continued to sob.

    "Hermanita, did he... did he rape you?" Rafael said as he sat down next to you.

    You looked him in the eyes for about 5 seconds. Then you shook your head. "No, but he punched me. And then he threw me onto the ground and kicked me Rafi." You sobbed. Rafael had a look of sympathy in his eyes, but yet a look of anger.

    He brought you into a hug. "Im so sorry (Y/N). Come on. Im gonna bring you to the hospital."

    "No Rafi, it is okay. I'm okay. I'll be fine." You pull away from the hug.

    "Are you sure?" He asks you looking into your eyes desperate for an answer. You nod and wipe a tear away.

    "Okay, then im going to bring you home." He says.

    "No! Rafi you can't. Mamá will kill me. Please, you have to promise, you can't tell her." You say frantically.

    "Hermanita, you have to tell her at some point. If you want you can sleep at my house tonight and I will come with you tomorrow." He reasons with you.

    "Okay." You sigh not in the mood for anymore fighting.

    "Tomorrow, after we go to mamá, we will come back her, and find (Y/BF/N). He isn't getting away with this. I promise." He says helping you up. You just nod and follow him out to his car, where he opens the door for and helps you in. He calls your mom on your way home and tells her you are with him.

    He notices how you are still shaking and lets you sleep with him so you aren't scared. He also has you ice your eye and ankle. He puts neosporin and band-aids on all your cuts. Then you falls asleep peacefully knowing your older brother is next to you, and nothing will happen to you, as long as he is there protecting you.

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