Hunt gone wrong

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"Okay baby, me and Sam are going to go kill this thing and we'll be back home in a few hours okay." - Dean

"Dean, what do you want me to help you with? Are you going to be safe? I should come." - Castiel

"Hey, look, Me and Sammy got this, it's just a ghost, we've killed about a million of these guys.Just like the good o'l days before we had to worry about shape shifter's and leviathans." - Dean

"Cas buddy, try and relax. Alright. Read a book, watch some Netflix." - Sam

"What's a Netflix" - Castiel

"We'll be back baby. Don't worry." - Dean

" Be careful Dean." - Castiel

"Uh...Hello.?!"- Sam

"Oh yes of course, Sam, look out for your brother, if he gets as much as a scratch on him, I will smite you." - Castiel 

"Yea.. sure thing, friend!" - Sam says flashing Castiel and dean a classic bitch face.

Castiel walked over to dean and placed a hand on deans shoulder, making dean and himself invisible to where Sam couldn't see them.

"Guys? Okay, no yea, totally, go ahead and go 'Invisible girl' on me. Whatever." Sam says angrily walking away and heading outside of the bunker as his luscious long L'Oreal commercial worthy hair followed.

"He can't see us?" - Dean

"No." - Castiel

"How come you've never showed me this before?" - Dean

"I didn't know I possessed such an ability." - Castiel

"Can you hide more than us?" - Dean

"Sadly no, i only have enough power in me to hide on human from the rest. Archangels however, can hide multiple people at once."- Castiel says

"Well lucky them." - Dean

"Yea. " Castiel closed the gap between the two of them pressing his lips onto Castiels and savoring this moment for as long as it lasted.

"Wait, can we, you know. In here?" - Dean says hinting at Cas

"You have a mission to do." - Castiel

"No yea, right, of course." - Dean

"...later."- Castiel whispers into deans ear, placing his hand back on dean and making them visible to the human eye once more. Dean slowly starts walking away as a question comes into his head,

" Hey Cas, Have u ever used that power on us when we didn't know. Like spied on us? I wouldn't be mad." - Dean

"No. Dean. I would never."- Castiel

"Right. Okay bye love." - Dean

"Goodbye." - Castiel

Sam and Dean left the bunker and hoped into the impala then began their usual routine they have completed a million times. After taking care of the demon, Dean decided to give his lover a call.

"Cas You okay baby?" 

"I'm mostly confused, I'm not sure how orange correlates with black in a way that is new." 

"Step away from the Netflix. I'll be home in a few hours. We salted and burned this thing." - Dean

"Dean, will you watch some Netflix with me when you come home?" Castiel said in a sweet sensual tone hoping to persuade Dean into saying yes.

"Cas baby, love it when you talk to me like that. Sure we can watch some Netflix when I get home. We can Netflix .. and chill." - Dean says in a sensual tone with a quirky smile.

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