"Well, there's gotta be a wa—"

"No. There isn't. We'll have to backtrack. All the way to Hope. Or maybe Merritt. There might be a detour there."

I turned around and headed back to the car, only to find that it was much further behind us than it originally was. It was rolling away. "Parker you idiot!" I screeched. "You didn't put it in park!"

Parker cursed vehemently.

We sprinted after the car that was quickly gaining speed. Feet slapped against the unforgiving pavement. Pain radiated up my shins. Newt barked and chased after us. We were losing distance fast. I desperately hoped that by the time it reached the corner the traffic barrier would stop the vehicle.

Unfortunately the car kept rolling, hit the barrier, and went beyond, disappearing down the hill.

"No!" I yelled.

I stopped just short of the edge, bent over and panted hard. The orange hood disappeared under the canopy with one last wink from its headlights. The air rushing down my throat was like fire. I heard Parker's feet slow and stop two steps behind me.

"Oh no," he moaned.

In a rush of rage, I spun around and hit Parker right in the face with as much power as I could.

"Hey!" he yelled. "Wha—"

I hit him again before he could finish his sentence. He snatched my wrists and gripped them tight. I catapulted my knee between his legs. He dropped to his knees like a sack of bricks, and I threw him to the side. He wreathed around in pain.

"You are useless!" I bellowed.

I rushed forward and dove at him. He stuck out his arm in defence, and his one knee got me right in the gut. It knocked the wind right out of me, and I landed on the pavement, sprawled on my back.

"What are you doing Andy!" Parker panted, his voice an octave off. He climbed up into my view, blocking out the hazy sun.

"Screw you Parker," I spat, and threw him off me. I pushed myself off the ground, and got to my feet. I gulped down the hot oxygen. Fury broiled my blood and stewed in my stomach. "You know what Parker, this is the last straw."

"What? I swear I put the car in park."

"This isn't just about the car Parker!" I weakly yelled. I was still regaining my breath. "This is about a lot of things! Do you want me to list all the ways you've mucked up?" I stretched my arms out for extra effect. For once, Parker kept his stupid mouth closed. I began listing off with my fingers. "Let's start with you welcoming me to Vancouver by using me to get your ugly whore girlfriend back. And then when you sent me through a friggin' tsunami cause you wouldn't leave her. Or how about that time you sent me into a mall, and I almost got stabbed – the first time. And then the second time. Where it wasn't just me it was my dog too. And now, I'm stranded on a damn highway literally in the middle of nowhere!"

Parker's mouth opened and closed like a stupid fish, as he struggled to find words. I could see the shame I had painted on him, and it felt so good. He was finally getting what he deserved. He didn't deserve me, or my dog. He sure as hell didn't deserve my aunt. And I would make sure he never stood in her presence, because I knew that he would woo her over just like he did me, and my aunt would take him in without another thought.

No... my aunt was smarter than that. She could spot a snake worlds away. I cursed myself for not being able to do that months ago when Newt first ran into him.

I almost confronted him about his silence, but I decided against it. He wasn't worth the energy, I didn't deserve an empty apology from him.

He didn't even deserve a goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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