"Sure!" She replied all too happily bending down to get them, "Here let me help her," she moved me to place my crutches for me, not without giving me a glare.

"Were you guys on your way to dinner?" She asked in the peppy way she always spoke.

"I was helping her learn how to use her crutches and then we were on our way to dinner," Alexander replied.

"Aww Xandy always so sweet and ready to help everyone out," she complimented though I could hear the underlying message from the way she was staring at me, 'He's just being nice, don't get ahead of yourself.'

"Thank you," he smiled down at her and I looked away feeling like I was invading a sweet moment between them.

I really need to start remembering not to get ahead of myself before I get hurt.

"Well? Shall we head to the dining hall?" She asked.

"After you," He said before moving back to help me, "Oh it's alright," I stopped him, "Please go ahead, I'd like to try this on my own for practice."

"But-" he began but I cut him off, "Really, I'm okay," I smiled to show him that I was fine.

He nodded and walked ahead of me alongside Melissa.

I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked behind them to keep an eye on my feet and not trip.

'Or because you don't want to see them,' A nagging voice said at the back of my head but I pushed it away.

These thoughts will only ruin my mood and I'd rather not.

We make it to the dining room, and sit in our usual seats, one of the maids coming to take my crutches from me and keeping them with her for when I need them later.

"Eliana dear," I lift my head up to look at the king.

"Yes, your majesty?" I answered, looking up at him.

"How are you feeling? Are you adapting well to using the crutches?" He asked.

One thing I really appreciated was how he always asked me how I was. I always felt like he genuinely cared. He felt like the first father figure I ever had. Which is going to make it that much harder for me to leave later. Might as well enjoy it while I still can.

"Yes," I smiled, "Prince Alexander has been helping me and teaching me how to use them and I think I can walk with them fine now."

"That's good them. Do not hesitate to ask for help from him or anyone here."

"Yes, thank you."

I turned my attention back to the food in front me as he turned to Melissa asking about her day next.

"Yeah, don't" I hear a voice say in my ear and almost choke on my soup.

I turn to Alexander on my right and ask, "What?"

"Don't hesitate to ask me for help," he smiled, "You can always come to me. And not just for help with the crutches," he said and went back to his eating leaving me baffled.

Second ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora