Chapter 7 part 1.2: "Lord Voldemort: Short Story"

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Lord Voldemort was sleep on pillow blanket that's nightmare. I have been sacrifice old past years, a limited life. No one known — his memories over and over time tough story:

    Young handsome is gentle mature adult never give up part of Slytherin connect to father grave and old clues

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Young handsome is gentle mature adult never give up part of Slytherin connect to father grave and old clues. Yeah, noon I visit ask Headmaster Albus telling more details my father disappear murder." Well, your father has good man and enough adult soon to be life way a goal. Mistake, your mother treat more fault potion blind raped. You are not bad person — remind your professor Ms. Blanchett have knowledge side of friendship gone your father. " handle letter give him.
" Thank you " had head accept it (closed door)

(Picture: Tom's mother has memories of fading inside alone much)

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(Picture: Tom's mother has memories of fading inside alone much)

A hallway of alone walk to clock tower on seat, open letter his opinion reading:
Dear, Tom Riddle
I'm your mother from abandon baby sent to orphan place, cause I get suffer several depression disease short years. Including, I miss you so much — never hate it. Keep your well education, smile each other find right women will trust with you. Seven years ago, when you're child always ask about the who real father. I can't tell present right now. Before, When I sent to orphan place take comfort it. I don't want to feel bad for me that's short life decreased.
Please, be forgiven me. I love you, son

(Picture: This is Riddle's father and Mrs

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(Picture: This is Riddle's father and Mrs. Louise Blanchett were friendship Slytherin need tell preserve meeting.)

Letter Ms. Louise Granger (1880's):

1. "A Untold Story of Lady Hermione & Voldemort"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin