Youtube Poop

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Draco Malfoy: So...I recently found some very funny videos on Youtube. Anyone ever heard of "Youtube Poop?"


Ron Weasley: You poop on your tube? How is that possible? 

Hermione Granger: OMG RON!!! You're a real daft monkey... this is what Malfoy is talking about.... 

Harry Potter: LOL I liked that one Hermione.... 

Hermione Granger: Me too Harry!

Draco Malfoy: That was funny :D

Ron Weasley: I still dont get it...

Hermione Granger: *facepalm* idiot.

Harry Potter: Agreed.

Draco Malfoy: I'm gonna watch more!

Hermione Granger: Me too! 

Harry Potter: I wish Ginny was here so she coukd watch some with me. 

Draco Malfoy: LOL I love the spongebob ones. They are always funny!

Harry Potter: SPONGEBOB!!!! lol.

Hermione Granger: *facepalm* 

(Okay I know this is OOOOOBER late, but I've been extremely busy. The video on the right, is the video Hermione was showing to Ron)

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