Draco has a bit of a problem...

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Draco Malfoy: So, I am here in the bathroom...and there is NO toilet paper..... No, I can not make some appear...and reason is...is because I left my wand in my room. Can someone PLEASE get me some damn toilet paper? Thanks. 


Harry Potter: ROFLMFAO!!!!! 

Hermione Granger: Well well well, looks like the almighty Draco Malfoy does need help afterall. lol. 

Draco Malfoy: Yes Granger...I need help. Now,  have someone bring me toilet paper! My ass hurts from sitting on this damn thing....

Hermione Granger: Well dear, if you would be so kind to say "please" maybe I will send some your way. 


Harry Potter: I would- but I really don't want to. Maybe later...

Ronald Weasley: Hahaha ferret can't wipe his ass.. LOL

Hermione Granger: Oh hun, I am sorry- but this is just too funny :p

Ginny Wealsey: Does it hurt....when your ass got stuck to the toilet? ^-^ LOL

Draco Malfoy: F*** you guys!

Hermione Granger: Nasty language for a nasty boy....

L. Malfoy: LMAO. My son is a potty mouth. Lol get it? cuz he's on the potty? LMAO 

Harry Potter: ROFL! Mr. Malfoy- that was a good one. 

Draco Malfoy: Somebody please get me some toilet paper! PLEASE!!!!!

N. Malfoy: Son, haven't I always said, check to see if there is any paper left BEFORE you sit down?

Draco Malfoy: har har har Mother...now will someone PLEASE get me some toilet paper? 

EVERYONE SIGNS OFF- and Malfoy is still stuck on the potty.

~~~~~~~~One hour later~~~~~~~~

Draco Malfoy: *sings* " I'm stuck on this toilet with no paper, and I really gotta wipe my ass... My friends are all laughing at me cause I have to pass my gas..Oh why oh why, does my ass have to hurt so bad? Wait until I get off this toilet so I can kick some ass" 

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