Malfoy needs a study buddy

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Draco Malfoy: Is having trouble with his Transfigurations homework :/


Harry Potter: Only person I know who could help you is either Hermione, or Neville. 

Neville Longbottom: Sorry, but I need help in that class too... I'm better in Herbology. Hermione is smart- might ask her to help you Malfoy. 

Ronald Weasley: I think EVERYONE is failing that class EXCEPT Hermione. Ask Hermione to help you. 

Ginny Weasley: Speaking of Hermione....where is she?

Harry Potter: Good question Gin. I haven't seen her since this morning...

Ginny Weasley: Well, if i know her- she's in the library studying as usual. lol

Ronald Weasley: I love her to death- but she is such a bookworm lol.

Neville Longbottom: I agree Ron. lol

Harry Potter: Maybe she needs some friends to get her away from those books. Who wants to hang out in Hogsmead?

Neville Longbottom: I'm in!

Ginny Weasley: Me!

Ronald Weasley: Yeah, I'm in!

Luna Lovegood: What are we all talking about?

Harry Potter: Oh! Hey Luna. We were going to get Hermione from the library and drag her to Hogsmead with us. You wanna come?

Luna Lovegood: Yeah....but Hermione isn't in the library.

Harry Potter: Are you sure Luna?

Luna Lovegood: Yeah. I was just in there. I didn't see her at all. 

Ronald Weasley: Hmm. Maybe she is in her room?

Ginny Weasley: Nope. I am in our room- she's not here either.

Luna Lovegood: I think she might be outside reading...that's what she normally does when she isn't in the library...

Harry Potter: She's not outside- cause I was out there earlier. 

Ronald Weasley: Where else could she be?

Hermione Granger: Hey Honey. Today was great! I had a great time...

Draco Malfoy: I had a great time too babe <3 Oh, and thanks for helping me with my homework :)

Ronald Weasley: O.O

Harry Potter: O.O

Luna Lovegood: Oh good. Malfoy did get help afterall, and we found Hermione! Today is a good day. Good thing those Nargles didn't make her get lost....

Ginny Weasley: Aww :) Hermione and Malfoy were together afterall <3

Harry Potter: GINNY! She was WITH Malfoy...and it doesn't sound like they were doing much homework....

Draco Malfoy: Well, we didn't do homework at first.....Hey, Hermione... wanna meet again tonight in the RoR? ;)

Hermione Granger: hehe sure ;)

Ronald Weasley: I think I'm gonna be sick....


Hahahaha Malfoy ended up getting some AND getting homework help. Nice ;) lol

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