Ron's little secret

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Ronald Weasley: I hope that all of my friends will still like me after they find out my secret...


Harry Potter: Ron, we ALL know you ate Ginny's chocolate frogs...we still like ya lol

Ginny Weasley: Yeah, plus I hid most of them lol.

Hermione Granger: Leave it to Ron to finish off the chocolate frogs....

Ronald Weasley: Thanks...but I'm not talking about chocolate frogs...

Hermione Granger: well, whatever it is, I'm sure we will still like you.

Jacob Black: Hey Ronnikins! I had a great time last night! :D 

Harry Potter: O.O .....Ronnikins?...LOL

Hermione Granger: Well...that explains why we never worked out...

Ginny Weasley: I KNEW IT!

Molly Weasley: You knew what dear?

Ronald Weasley: Mum, I-I'm gay...

Molly Weasley: O.O Well, that explains why you and Hermione didn't work out...

Harry Potter: O.O I think I have to agree with Molly...

Ronald Weasley: You ALL knew?

Molly, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Draco: YEP! 

Ronald Weasley: Malfoy? Where did YOU come from? 

Draco Malfoy: Hermione invited me over...

Ronald Weasley: O.O

Ronald Weasley went from "single" to "in a domestic partnership" with Jacob Black


I had soooo much fun writing this one :) Hope you enjoyed it :) 

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