I went down to a pathetic level and put a hand over my stomach and moaned keeling over onto the couch.

That finally got their attention.

“Shannon,” Cole was instantly kneeling beside me.

“Do you need blood?” Damon instantly asked.

I sat up with a smile, “Now that I got your attention . . .”

“Damn it, Shannon,” Cole growled.

“Cole, why don’t you call me Angel anymore?” I got slightly side-tracked.

“I, umm,” Cole was taken by surprise by the question, “I didn’t think you liked it? Damon, told me . . .”

“Why did I tell you about thinking for me? I don’t like it when you assume, Cole. I liked it when you called me Angel,” I frowned.

“Okay, Angel. That’s good,” He smiled sitting down next to me, “I like calling you Angel.”

I smiled brightly at him.

“Why did you have to so urgently get our attention, Shannon?” Damon said annoyed.

“I wanted to talk to you guys about you’re arguing,” I sighed.

“Is that why you asked about my story?” Damon stood up straight.

“She asked you too?” Cole responded.

“Yes, I asked both of you because I wanted the background story . . . so I could help,” I said innocently.

“You can’t help, Angel,” Cole stood up and crossed his arms.

“Whatever friendship we used to have is long lost,” Damon glared at his brother.

“Ha! You now have both admitted that there was a friendship between you two. I just want it back. I want you guys to be happy,” I pouted.

“No, Shannon,” Damon shook his head, “It can’t happen.”

“Look, all you need is a third party. Someone to say you both are in the wrong. I will happily be that person,” I shrugged.

“Both in the wrong?” The both growled.

“Great job, Shannon,” Damon snapped, “You got us to agree on something.”

“You’re wrong,” Cole shook his head.

“No I am not,” I stood up quickly and then slight wobbled and Cole caught me.

“Careful, Angel,” He mumbled.

Stumbling into A Vampire (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin