Untitled Part 0

113 3 2

None of this book was planned

[edited: May, 11, 2019]

|One Last Time-Ariana Grande|
|#icanteven- The Neighbourhood|
|What You Know- Two Door Cinema|

At the age of 17, Elliot had just graduated high school and was on his way to community college.

His GPA was a stellar 3.1 but his overall academic behavioral record was below acceptable. There were a various amount of incidents where pulling pranks caused more detention slips than he could count, and that amount exceeded the "University-Detention slip-acceptance- rate". So, Elliot's dad has decided that his first year of college education will be spent in the city. The biggest punishment of all being he has to ride the bus, and through the 'rough' side of town. 

A place where your GPA isn't necessarily as important as your rent, and if you fail high school that's even better.

Now you have no reason to avoid a job.

Elliot has a friend who stays in that area and follows the demographic all too well. An 18 year old latino who has a past with guns and a future in some warehouse, working nine-to-five for a $200 check at the end of very week.

Elliot has never seen Garzo's work place, and more than likely never will, but he knows that's the only place that will accept his friends non-existent degree in education.

It's been around a month since Elliot and Garzo have met up outside Clinton High school. Garzo dropped out around that time, he wouldn't have graduated anyway, and Elliot scrambled to redeem his GPA, it wasn't always a 3.1.

When Garzo announced that he would be leaving Clinton High, Elliot was devastated, but at the same time he wasn't. It was slightly expected that the younger boy would end up like his father, a heavily muscled man in back t-shirts and a Golden gun pendant hanging around his neck. Tattoos covered his body heavily and the older mans hair was buzzed to the scalp. Garzo resembled his father in more ways than one.

One being their tempers.

Elliot witnessed this first hand when he walked out of school at twelve in the afternoon. It was his lunch period and also the time he usually met Garzo outside near an old picnic table. They'd done this since freshman year, except when they met up this time, Garzo and his father had been in a deep argument. About what, Elliot couldn't recall, but it went from verbal to physical in less time than it took him to reach the bench.

But that was months ago.

Now Garzo sits outside the school gate, a cigarette in hand as he watches his best friend walk across the stage to grab his diploma.

"Elliot Wellington." The principle announces.

Elliot's dad sits in the front row giving a disapproving look. Elliot throws his cap off stage and takes hold of the mic as the principle steps back in exhaustion.

"I would just like to say, this has been the best and worst four years of my life. I will miss you all. Thank you." Elliot winks and even though he didn't really say anything his classmates still laugh. He smiles and walks off the of the stage. His arms reach their wing span while he embraces the sun, and quite dramatically, walks away.

It's really hard to leave it all behind because Elliot remembers how awkward the first day of Freshman year was. They spent the entire week trying to learn each other's names but by the first day of senior year everyone already knew where they were skipping class.

Elliot dashes to the front gate leaving a rolled up piece of paper on his fathers lap. Mr. Wellington gives an aggravated sigh before storming off angrily to his car. He knows Elliot is with Garzo, so he waits until the ceremony is over to get Elliot's real diploma before he leaves.

Mafia High: CorpseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin