Why Me? (Scarlette's Troubles)

Start from the beginning

I smiled unexpectedly, tipping my head back enough to gaze at the bland white ceiling as well. "I am afraid," I said carefully. "But fear isn't as substantial a thing as people seem to believe. It's always being overcome by the oddest things. Talking, for instance. Hearing the humanity in someone's voice and thoughts... I'll admit it pushes the fear away and locks it behind thick doors. Right now, Gaara, I'm not afraid of you."

I watched his eyes darken further, and wondered how he was taking my words. But seeing no response in the near future, I slid to the edge of the bed and dropped to the floor. Someone, probably Temari, had taken care to remove my sandals, and I fumbled around in the semi-dark room to locate them. I smiled slightly when I found them by my pack just under the bed. I tugged them on and climbed to my feet, then turned to head out into Konoha's lively streets.

I paused at the door, fingers wrapping around the handle. Gaara was still lying on the bed, looking deep in thought. "Gaara--" I began, only to be interrupted by the door flying open, and Kankuro nearly knocking me flat onto my back as he tried to rush inside.

"Oh, you're up," he said, as though he hadn't done anything wrong. I sighed and stepped back so that my face wasn't pressed to his chest. "That's right," I said, brushing the hair from my eyes. These bangs were really ridiculous, but Vi wouldn't allow me to cut them. She said I looked too pretty to change my hair.

"So anyway, Temari and I were heading out to hunt down your sisters. They need their I.D. cards and.... what's with you?"

I'd gone pale in an instant, hearing him talk about hunting down my sisters. What he meant was.... they were running around the Village. Alone. With the majority of their fangirl obsessions. "I have to go," I said, on the verge of sounding frantic. And I assure, frantic was something I did not become lightly. I pushed past Kankuro, after grabbing my own I.D., ignoring his protests, and skidded out into the streets. At the time, I hadn't been sure how long I'd been out of it, so I couldn't be sure where they were. I knew immediately Ichiraku Ramen would be their first stop, so I decided it was worthwhile to at least visit the place while searching.

After receiving some directions from a kindly older woman, I made my way over to the ramen stand. Teuchi, the somewhat older man that ran the establishment, greeted me with a smile when I ducked under the hanging signs.

"Oh, more new faces," he said, while making something at the stove that smelled absolutely intoxicating. At home, I had a slight obsession with ramen, though I could never be sure why. My sisters ate it adamantly, though I was positive it was far from their favorite food. But now was not the time to try what Naruto called the Village's best ramen.

"Hello," I said shortly, but trying my best to sound friendly as well. I was in a rush. "Did you happen to see two girls, my age? One with long blonde hair and redish-brown eyes, the other with blue-violet hair and amber eyes? That's the taller of the two." His smile faltered slightly, and I inwardly sighed. Just what had they done already?

"Yeah, they both came in a little while after some other customers," he said, and I felt myself tense. Please, for Kami's sake, tell me they didn't embarrass themselves horribly.... "The amber-eyed girl.... she.... passed out when a boy said something to her."

"Lovely," I grumbled, dragging a hand down my face in annoyance. I sighed and shook my head. "Do you happen to know where they went after.... after she recovered?" I asked, wincing slightly on the words. This really was just my luck. He chuckled awkwardly. "The boy she'd been talking to, Kiba Inuzuka"--I barely kept from groaning aloud at this--"and his teammates took her to the hospital, but the other girl went off somewhere. Sorry, I'm afraid that's all I know."

"No, no, that's fine," I said dismissively, waving a hand in thanks. "You've been a great help, sir." I nodded a goodbye and once again ducked beneath the signs to head out into the Village. The hospital.... Knowing Ari, she'd already woken up and was roaming around again. Oh, where did Team Kurenai go when they weren't on a mission? At that moment, I cursed Masashi Kishimoto for never expanding on other characters besides Team Kakashi. If he had included more air time for Kiba and the others in the anime, I would at least have a general idea of where Ari could have gone.

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