13: Fruit, Tea, and Coffee

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Be Karkat Vantas, ignoring Dave's phone calls==>

He seriously needs to stop fucking calling me..

I turned off my phone and angrily typed at the keyboard, completing my work for the Sgrub game.
"Karkat, there is a fruit basket for you.." Equius walked over, carrying an Edible Arrangements. "There is a card as well.."

I turned and grabbed the card.

Babe I'm sorry.
Please call me back.

"Ugh, you can keep it.." I ripped the card, throwing it away.

"Karkat!" Vriska walked up beside Equius. "Ooh! Fruit!" She picked off a strawberry and ate it, "Kanaya wants to see you. She says its urgent."

"Fine, I'll be there in a bit.." I saved my file and stood up. Equius was still standing there.
"Didn't you listen? Keep the damn thing, I don't want it."

"Uh.. I prefer milk.. Perhaps everyone can share it?"

"Sure, go nuts and fuck the watermelon. I don't care. Just get it out of my sight.." I walked past him and to Kanaya's office.

Sollux was sitting there, talking to her. They stopped and saw me.
"Oh Karkat, Please Have A Seat.."

I sat beside Sollux. "Hey KK.."

"Hey.." I mumbled.

Kanaya sighed. "I Was Told What Happened To You.. About The Human You Had Interest In.."

"Ugh, I don't care anymore.. If this is what you want to talk about, I'm leaving-"

"Not Exactly.." She took a breath, "After The Recent Events.. I Just.." She groaned and put her head to her desk. "I'm Tired Of This.."

Sollux and I looked to each other confused before looking back at her.

"Everything Is Going Wrong, And People Are Just Hurting Now.. No One Is In Any Condition To Work.. People Aren't Focused.. Aradia Was One Of Our Greatest Assets And A Friend To Everyone.. She Motivated Them When They Were Tired, Working Late, Or Going Through Something.. Without Her, Everything Seems So.. Worthless.. And You Two Are Going Through So Much.. Especially You, Sollux.. I'm So Sorry.."

I stood up and walked to the opposite side of the desk, hugging her.
"We can still get the game done.. It's what Aradia would want us to do.. We have to do it for her.. She wouldn't give up no matter what.. If the roles were switched, I bet my fucking romance novels that she would do anything to finish the game for Sollux."

Sollux slowly nodded. "2he would.. 2he even worked later than me.. 2he wa2 dediicated." He smiled, "That2 why everyone love2 her." He looked determined, "We have to do iit. For Aradiia.."

Kanaya nodded, then looked to me. Tears were threatening to spill. "I Have To Apologize To You Karkat.. I Set You Up In A Position To End Up Heart Broken.. I Know You Cared Greatly For David.. I Should Have Never Asked You To-"

"Shhh.." I papped her. "It's fine Kanaya.. How about you go get your mind cleared? Go get a coffee, take a walk or something.. You're always cooped up in here anyways.."

UNDERCOVER ( davekat )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora