Buss Ride

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ok this is my first time writing a fanfic or a book at that I want to say sry for any spelling flaws     also I do not own fairy tail ( I wish I did) that goes to Hiro Mashima well hope you enjoy                               _____________________________________________________     

BAMMMMMM "uhggggg just grate" Gray said looking at his broken alarm clock Gray Yawned and sat up in bed looking at the poor remains of his alarm clock " wait what time is it" Gray said as he dashed to the kitchen where he looked at the clock in there" 6:50!!!!!!" Gray said in a hurry "The buss is suppose to be here at 7:00" Gray said running to get ready

10 minutes latter

Gray walked out of his apartment and walked to a crisp fall morning Gray sat on a bench near the buss stop HUNNNKKKK HUNNNK!!! "ahhh just in time" said Gray  happily. Gray claimed up in the buss most of the students where sleeping from the long journey. Gray walked down the buss untille he heard a loud snore he looked over at the person who was making that sound and saw a pink haired guy snoreing his life away " ONLY 5 MORE HOURS TELL WE MAKE IT" called the bus driver "uhggggg" all the students growned GEZ evaen that pink haired guy growned in his sleep thought Gray. Gray looked beside the pink haired weirdo there was a blond girl that was banging her hear on the seat in front of them. Gray laughed to himself and grabbed a seat alone.

Gray tired to fall asleep but because of that pink haired weirdo he couldn't so he looked out the window tree after tree house after house this was getting boring. " ARE WE THERE YET BAHHHH" yelled that pink haired weirdo and he looked like he was about to throw up but why? now the blond girl looked scared for her life she was " TRYING" to block herself. that loud sound the pink haired weirdo made woke everyone up Gray just wanted to go over to that weirdo and punch him. then the buss door opened.

and then came in a girl with long scarlet hair but she did not look happy she looked sad but why? Gray thought she sat on the seat behind Gray


" I want to make friend this year at high school everyone was just afraid of me" I thought as I took a seat but everyone was staring at me I felt awkward as a sat I looked out the window and thought of " 'would I ever make any friends I hope so' than I closed my eyes for a minute then next thing I new I hear " OWWW SWEET GROUND I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH ""where are here " said the buss driver  _____________________________________________      thx for reading and sry this part is short

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