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"Open wide!" i said to a child that laid on a seat.

They opened their mouth as wide as they could, and i started to place the braces onto their teeth.

Me, Fatima, is now a orthadontist at my OWN dental office! I graduated the new highschool i went too- and i really fit in there! Everyone was really nice and welcoming. I got a full scholorship into Tufts Dental University and quickly started my career there.

Surprisingly, Sameen went to the SAME unversity as i did! We dormed together and instantly became the most best of friends. Sameen told me about her life. Her mom died in a car accident when she was young so she had to live with her dad.

After graduating the university, i went to graduate school. I finished from there, and got my Masters Degree later on.

I then decided to have my own dental office place in which where i could do all my dentist things. I didnt know how though because i didnt take ANY buisness classes. About 7 months later, i got engaged to a Muslim man.

His parents were close friends with mine, and we instantly fell in love.

Surprisingly, he was a buisness man and with the help of my husband, i got my own dental office. We also now have a store in the heart of New York. It's a restaurant and most of our family helps out there.

The food is really good and we get ALOT of customers, so whenever i'd go and check up on the store, we'd be really busy. We sold all halal foods and everyone seemed to love them, American or not.

We both then raised 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys, mashaallah.

1 boy instantly had the desire of becoming a dentist, so he took over my office when i retired.

Both of my daughters became doctors and the youngest boy in the family became a very famous author for young adult books.

My husband and i lived happily with out own kids and grandchildren. Both my sons were hafiz's and one of their son's was an imam.

I had never known that i'd achieve these many goals in my life, everything having to do with islam.

If i hadnt made all that duaa and prayers, i dont think i'd EVER be where i was now.

Everyone should thank and remember Allah SWT at all times, bad or good. Islam was a part of me, it filled the other half of me. I dont know where i'd ever be with the beautiful and peaceful religion of guidance- Islam.




I decided to write and epilogue and make everything more islamic, because well, this is a book called MUSLIM teen.

I want to dedicate this chap. to paranormalfreak00 because thats the reason i wrote this whole epilogue. So once again, hope you enjoyed it and pretty please will you vote and leave feedback? Also check my other books out.

One is called Love Never Ends. Its a mix or romance+horror.

The next is called Your Next. Its both romance AND werewolf.

It would mean an awful lot if you just read one of the stories and left feedback, really helps!

Thanks for reading!


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