Chapter 11: Laughter and kid games

Start from the beginning

He grunts, crouching down so I could reach him and properly tie his hair.


He stands back up and I walk over to the door. "Let's do this." 

We started off with a short jog and soon enough we were picking up the pace. I had to admit, Justin was fast, steady and it was clear that he has lots of stamina. When we reached my usual break area, the big willow tree in central park, he didn't even look tired.

I'm heaving a bit, wiping sweat off my forehead when we reach our little stop. I knew by the end of this run I would feel a little gross, but as soon as I hop in the shower and freshen up, I know I'll feel even better. 

"Do you want to sit for a bit?" I ask and Justin takes a seat on the ground, leaning his back against the tree.

I sneak a look at him, but turn away quickly. I don't want him to see me staring at him. Sometimes Justin had a certain affect on me... I would get a little shy and nervous around him. Although, I'm not sure why.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Justin points to a boy and his dog. "Dog," He says.

"That's right," I respond, "That's a dog. What else can you name?"

And before I know it, he's going on and on, pointing out different things. From grass to water to bird and bench. 

And then I introduce him to the game of I Spy. "It's simple," I explain to him, "Pick an object that you see around you and say 'I spy with my little eye... something that is-'. Then you can name a colour or something of the object. I get to ask yes or no questions about the object and we'll see if I can I guess it." 

"I s-spy with little e-eye...?" Justin hesitantly looks at me to see if he was right and I nod with a small smile. 

"Something... green." 

I playfully roll my eyes at him. This is going to be a little tough considering lots of things in this park were green.

We spend the next thirty minutes playing I Spy before I force us to get up and jog back home. I didn't want to leave, but I knew dad would get a little worried if we didn't get back soon. But honestly I was enjoying my time with Justin. 

"Race you to that tree over there?" I ask, pointing to the large tree across from us. A small grin erupts on his face before Justin is already sprinting past me, getting a head start. 

"Hey! No fair," I pout, but run after him anyway. Every time I try to catch up to him, he sprints even faster, but I push myself farther until we are sprinting at the same pace. 

That's when I notice i'm about to crash into the tree and make a swift side step, tripping over my feet and falling onto the ground laughing as I see Justin run right into the tree.

I'm covered in dirt and Justin is laying on the ground for a second before he's lightly chuckling. Thats when I start laughing again. 

Once we start to calm down, Justin stands up and brushes some dirt off his pants. He's leaning over me, a hand out.

I look between his hand and brown eyes and I get the message. He wants to help me up. I hesitantly  reach out to take his calloused hand and I'm barely off the ground when his hand slips, dropping me back to the ground and there we are laughing again.

"You tricked me!" 

He's chuckling again, the beautiful small smile back on his face. 

Justin puts his hand out for me to take, but this time I shake my head. "Oh no, i'm not falling for that again." I jokingly tease, getting up myself.

Thats when I notice the close proximity between us. My breath hitches in my throat, my eyes wide. I could practically feel his chest against mine as he lifts his hand up slowly, "D-dirt on Avocado's f-face." he lowly mumbles, brushing the dirt of my cheek.

He stand there for a second, staring at each other before I clear my throat and step away from him. "Thanks... we should get going." 

For a second he looks a little upset, but soon his cold exterior is back, making it look like he's never smiled once in his life.

Great, way to make it awkward, Bea. He probably thinks he did something wrong. The voice in my head says, but I try to push it back. So far we had a good day, I should just focus on that.



Yay so bea and justin hung out and he laughed a little!!!! woohoo thats some progress

i hope you guys liked this chapter!


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