Your Life: Untitled

Start from the beginning

It was clear to Jana that Domino was intentionally sucking up, but he wouldn't call him on it. The pain slowly crept through his body until he was comfortable enough to relax his shaking. He needed to be able to relax, so right then, he needed Domino to stay.

"We will allow you to stay as long as you don't disrupt." The woman said, nodding to Domino before returning her attention to Jana.

"Jana, how about you tell us what you have been doing since being incarcerated, first?"

That hadn't been the question he thought she would ask to begin things, which was a relief, but he knew it had to be coming.

"I've gotten my GED and practiced weightlifting. I've competed for several years in the weight competition here." He stated simply, then looked down at Tera where she rested against his right foot. "And I'm learning how to train my dog." He added, lifting his eyes back to the panel as he finished speaking.

The man, Mr. Richards, flipped through his papers and smiled down at one he selected, then looked at Tera, then Jana.

"Is that the dog that Mr. Caroy left for you? Tera?" He said, reading her name from the paper.

Jana licked his lips and felt Domino's fingers dig further into his skin, steadying him. He nodded, not feeling strong enough to answer as he swallowed down a nervous lump in his throat.

"She is a fine looking dog. Do you enjoy having her here?" The man continued.

"I... She let's me go outside more." He said, not wanting to lie. He was getting used to the dog, but he still knew that if she didn't offer him the extra time outside, he would likely leave her to Domino most of the time.

The man nodded, adding a small smile. "You enjoy being outside? Do you play any sports?"

"Yes. I enjoy tennis, though most times I'll just run with Tera."

Christopher leaned forward, silently telling Mr. Richard's to give him the chance to speak.

"Jana, how are you handling my brother's death?"

He immediately felt his face chill. No doubt the color was fading from it quickly, but Jana couldn't pull himself out of the aggression welling up in his chest. Christopher knew exactly how he took Emmet's death!

Pain suddenly surged through the left side of his neck, snapping Jana out of his daze with a hiss and wince. Domino removed his hand as soon as he sat back up straight, and Jana was thankful for that. He was on edge and being startled by the pain, while it helped him focus, also made him tense.

"I'm going to assume you do not wish to answer that question. We will skip it." Christopher said, his eyes watching Domino instead of Jana as he began his next question. "If you were given the opportunity to leave, do you have somewhere you can stay while getting on your feet?"

Jana flinched, knowing damn well that he never had anywhere to begin with. At least, not anywhere he had ever wanted to be. "I. No." He whispered right before Domino spoke. "Yes. With me, or at my place if he gets out first."

He couldn't help himself, Jana jerked his attention to Domino, mouth open, shocked. He wants me near him even after we leave here? If. He corrected himself, knowing that his own chances of getting out were much more slim.

Domino grinned at him, then turned his attention to Christopher. "I apologize for interrupting, but he is welcome at my home. It is a two bedroom apartment, so he would have his own space and they do allow pets, so Tera would be no problem."

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