#3; Her Perspective.

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[Alice but mentions of Jefferson & possible deal with Rumple]

Knowing since it was dark out she could probably get away, she crawled out of bed in the cottage she shared with Jefferson. Alice made sure she had been quiet at all times not to raise suspicion, although only having had given birth a few days ago, it would be the best for Grace & also Jefferson if she was to leave. Being on many adventures with him and his hat, they made many enemies along the way - most, being Wonderland inhabitants, especially the March Hare due to a very special clock. Despite people hearing he was actually a hare, it was obviously a different story.

Quickly changing into her on the run outfit, she grabbed Jefferson's cloak and wrapped it around her. Steadying herself, she went over to their daughters crib to say goodbye before quietly opening the door keeping an eye in Jefferson's direction. 'I'm sure we'll meet again someday, we always do...' she smiled to herself and shut the door. Knowing she had to find some way to find the man that Jefferson used to work for since he had made deals with him in the past, she set off with her bag of supplies. Running through the forest, it was much different here- not seeing mushrooms and tables outside people's homes was a little concerning to her. Although he didn't particularly like Wonderland, she did for various other reasons. Getting up a hill, she sat against a tree taking a short break, 'Could have just taken the hat...' she sighed and took a bite of the apple she had packed, 'So much quicker...'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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