nine; trust

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EDITED: 7/9/16

Scott's words travel to my ears as I walk down the hallways, "I think you mean beastiality."

Before I knew it I saw Scott and Stiles sitting on the stairs.

"Actually it's a bestiary," I said sitting in between them. "It's like an encyclopedia of all mythical creatures."

"Thank you!" Stiles exclaims shooting his arms out.

Scott shakes his head, "How am I the only one who doesn't know about this stuff?"

"Okay you know, you're my best friend, you're a creature of the night and it's like a priority of mine."

Scott nods his head, "Okay. If we can find it, and it can tell us what this things is–"

I interrupt him, "–and who."

"We need that book," Scott and Stiles say at the same time.

"Well I'm going to get to class. Text me if you need anything," I pat their two shoulders before standing up and walking away.

I pass by the boy's locker room, only to bump into my brother. He looked stressed, like really stressed.

"Hey you okay?" I ask him, I still don't forgive him for the way he acted towards me the other day.

"No," He shakes his head and looks at me. "I could actually possibly need your help."

My eyes widen. Seriously? I think about saying no, but he stops me.

"Listen, the way I acted the other day was awful. I'm sorry, but I'm really trying hard to be a better brother okay?"

I sigh, "It's fine. What do you need help with?"

"Well you're coming to the game tonight right?" I nod. "Well can you just be there tonight? Our lame-ass step parents won't be there again. So I at least need you there, and if I get angry or anything try and calm me down. I don't need to hurt anyone."

"Why would you hurt anyone?" I ask curiously.

"Don't tell anyone this," Jackson looks around before whispering. "Derek bit me. I know that Derek bit you. At first my werewolf side wasn't coming out, but now I think it is. I have a tendency of getting angry real easily, so I need you to stop me. Also, on the last full moon I recorded myself but nothing happened. Come with me to Danny because he's seeing what's wrong."

I never knew Jackson would tell me all of that. I was surprised, but he needed me. Even though our relationship has been pretty rough lately, I'll still always be there for him.

"Okay I'll be there," Jackson hesitates before giving me a hug.

I hug him back, but he quickly separates as the bell rings and guy's come towards the locker room.


Some cute lil Jayla moment, but that'll soon get screwed up. Next chapter should be better!

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