Flirting with Danger

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(this chapter is like 4K words I'm so sorry lol enjoy! BY THE WAY A Summer Song is an old song by Chad & Jeremy- you've heard it if you've ever watched Princess Diaries lol and I would totally suggest listening to the first 40 seconds while you read the part it's mentioned in cause it definitely adds to the part).

-----Kat's (very drunk) POV

I somehow manage to sprint my way into the beautifully designed hotel in my heels earning a few stifled laughs from the hotel night staff. I ignore them as I head to the elevator pushing the up button repeatedly until the doors opened in surrender. I hop in alone and glance at my floor choices. "4 or 5?" I wonder drunkenly aloud. What I was really saying was "go to my room and sleep or go see Claude?"

My alcohol induced heart was saying "go see Claude you know you want to JUST DO IT ALREADY!" while my mind was saying, well, I wasn't sure what it was saying- probably begging me to never drink alcohol ever again. A goofy smile grows on my face when I push the '5' and it lights up in agreement. As the elevator doors open, my heart starts to flutter wildly; my drunken mind just wanted to see Claude's irresistible smirk and hear the accent that drives me crazy on a daily basis. My heart was crying out for him as I approached the first doors that lined the corridor.

I halt immediately, "shit- which room is he?" I knew he was on the floor- all the Flyers were but I had no clue what room. "Think Kat think," I slur to myself as I tap my forehead with my index finger. He usually stayed in a room in the middle of the group of rooms in the hall- right? Damn I can't even think straight. I walk down the hall until I hear some noise coming one of the rooms- it sounded like Sportsnet- this had to be him.

I give a rapid knock onto the solid door in front of me with a goofy smile on my face until it opens. The feeling of seeing his in front of mine was making my heartburn with anticipation. The door swings open quickly revealing a gorgeous brunette. The smile on my face rapidly faded as I realized how stupid I must've looked. "Hi- can I help you?"

"Uhm no- I'm sorry I must've knocked on the wrong door," I manage to spit out coherently as my heart broke. I was just glad Claude wasn't here to see me interrupting his night with his hook up. Just as a go to turn away a new voice pops up, "Kat? I thought it sounded like you," a familiar voice pops up from behind the woman.

"Ryan," I smile with a shout; happiness washes over me- so this wasn't Claude's room after all, "I'm so sorry to bother you guys I was looking for Cl-,"

"Kat?" I hear the door adjacent to Ryan's open wide and head full of ginger hair sticks out.

"G!" I chime happily and turn to White, "I was looking for him!" I add, pointing to Claude, "have a good night sorry bout bothering you guys!" I wave flamboyantly; he just laughs and replies with have a good night. I was surprised he didn't ask why I was looking for G- did he know too? How many guys did know?

I walk over to a snickering Claude, "Katina I believe you've had too much alcohol."

"Pssshhh, you mean too much fun!" I giggle and wiggle my brows. He returns my giggle with a panty-melting grin and my heart can't help but flutter in my chest. Time moves slow around me as he starts to talk to me- I try to hear what he's saying but everything is muffled as A Summer Song starts to play in my mind. I observe his perfect face, the curls on his head that refuse to obey, and the way his lips move when he's talking; the view of his face was so hypnotizing. His breath is tainted slightly with the scent of beer, making my heart lighten. His facial features tighten slowly into a perfect smitten- encapsulating smile and I'm pretty sure I fall deeper in love. Sooooooooft kisses on a summer's day I hum along to the words being sung in my head. My alcohol haze combined with the cheesy love song playing in my head made me look at him through a pink tinted color lens.

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