Chapter 4: Feelings for your Saviour

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Getting up, you were surprised to see that you hadn't been murdered brutally during the night, and, filled with determination from this fact, you entered into an orange place, with lava everywhere, and a sign saying 'YOU'RE NOT WELCOME TO HOTLAND' in big red letters. 'Highly welcoming!' you thought, smiling. You walked round the corner, then immediately ducked back as you saw two armoured guards patrolling the area. when they weren't looking, you dashed across to the other end of the room, to a large metal building with 'LAB' in black written onto it. Entering, you come face to face with a robot with two pairs of eyes and arms, but otherwise incredibly human features. He was all black and red, with yellow eyes and gloves on the lower hands, and red gloves on the upper hands, and had the letters MTT on the back and front of them. Currently, the Red hands were hanging limp, and the top set of eyes were closed. "Oh! Darling! You shouldn't be here! Alphys, she'll trap you and -" Suddenly, the eyes and hands swapped, and a yellow lizard-like monster in a white lab coat, and red and black striped top with spiralling eyes, like an optical illusion, entered the premises. "Oh goody! A Human! Come with me, dear, for I, Doctor Alphys, have a place to rest and recover for the night downstairs, if you would want it!" Thinking about MTT's warning, you backed away, and when she started to advance, with MTT by her side, you ran. Sprinting around the lab, you avoided them and their traps, when you were suddenly teleported outside, with the lab behind you. Looking around, you saw a familiar figure. "Hey kiddo, you fine?" "Fine as I can be, Sans. Where's Papyrus?" "Arguing with Undyne." He tilted his head, "Are you sure you're okay? Never mind, it's your choice to tell me if you need anything. You coming?" He walked away, and you followed in silence, as you observed him. He was actually quite hot, his colour palette being one you quite liked, and his height, emphasising his features. His red eye was very intriguing, and his deft phalanges (fingers) could get around any knot, web, or lock. Whenever he looked at you, you realised, you'd got a warm, fuzzy feeling in the very bottom of your stomach. That's when you realised it - you actually had feelings for this skeleton!

Sans POV

I looked at Y/N through the corner of my eye. How did I know her name? I saw it on her diary. She was beautiful, with (H/L) (H/C) hair, and (E/S) (E/C) eyes. Her figure complimented her height, and she was nimble, quick. I figured she'd be a good dancer, or fighter. I caught her staring at me, and smiled on the side she couldn't see. What did she do to me? Whenever she smiled, or laughed, or looked at me, my soul would pound against my chest. Did I have feelings for her? No... I couldn't. Could I?

Normal POV

He was looking at you from the corner of his eye, which made you smile slightly. Did he realise what you were thinking? You hoped not. Suddenly, he turns away, and points to another small cavern, where you could rest the night. You wrote in your diary again, and fell asleep, with Sans still looking at you from the corner of his eye.



Game Saved!

(Hi. I just wanted to say, Y/N is your name, H/L is hair length, H/C is hair colour, E/S is eye size, and E/C is eye colour. Just in case you were confused.)

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