Chapter 4

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Same old school, same old news.

Homework in every class, never understanding anything.

I'm a big problem, in one person.

Life without my journal is rough, I could easily escape the world with it. But now, I have to try to understand what the hell teachers expect you to do.

Math, History, English, and Chemistry homework. I know nothing, I only get credit for the class because Liam tries to help me, but in the end I just copy down his work when he isn't looking.

The bell rung, I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and headed to my locker.

"Everything going good so far?"

Liam asked, I nodded quickly in reply.

"You don't seem as depressed today Harry, I think today's a good day for you."

I smiled, agreeing with him to an extent, shoving my things into my locker and following Liam to the lunchroom.

Kids lined up to get the school lunch, I never did. My mum would always make me packed lunch, but I didn't feel like eating anymore. Liam stopped bugging me about eating, so I just skip two meals of the day.

Liam got in line, and I always stole a table before the big groups of popular kids could take it. That was the fun part about being uncool, I could take a whole table to myself, even though two people would only sit at it.

I sat down, stretching and laying my head down on the table. I felt a tap on my head, making me frown and look up.

"Where has little Harry been?"

Louis asked and smiled, crossing his arms on the table and looking down at me.

"Leave me alone Louis... I'm not really in the mood for talking..."

I mumbled, covering my face in my arms and trying to hide from him.

"Too bad, I'm sitting here today."

I groaned, looking over to the line and hoping Liam would be coming our direction with his food, but of course he wasn't.

"Come on, stop trying to run. I don't have food either, but that's not important. Give me your hands."

I frowned at how he was jumping everywhere, not even moving my hands.


"It's a game, now give me your hands."

I blushed and held them out over the table, waiting for him to do something when he slapped my hands hard and made them slam back down against the table.

"Ow! What the hell Louis!"

I yelled and pulled my hands back.

"Which one hurt the most?"

"Does it matter?! They both hurt like hell!"

"Just tell me, please."

I looked down at my hands, my right one stinging slightly more than my left.

"This one..."

I whispered and held out my right hand, him yanking it closer to him and smirking.

"Tell me which one tickles the most."

I was so confused of what the hell the purpose of this was, and he ran his fingers in a wavy pattern down each of my fingers.

They all tingled, but my ring finger was super sensitive to whatever he was doing.

"T-that one."

I pointed at my ring finger and he pulled the finger even closer to him.

He squeezed three sections of the finger, looking back up like I should have some sort of answer.


"Which one hurt the most?"

"I don't know!"

"Top, middle, or bottom. Just tell me which one hurt."

I rolled my eyes, switching my fingers and flipping him off before pointing at the top of my finger.

"Think of a shape, circle, square, or triangle."

I sighed and thought of a triangle, thinking this was the stupidest thing ever. I never saw Liam behind me, watching Louis do something with my finger.

"What are you doing? Marrying the boy?"

Liam asked and laughed.

"Shut up Liam, Harry needs to focus."

Louis mumbled and started to literally search the skin of my finger, my mind never leaving the triangle. Liam sat next to me, trying to understand what Louis was doing.

"What's the point of this?"

Liam asked, but Louis ignored him and continued to search.


He yelled after a while, my jaw dropping and I looked over at Liam.


He asked confused and I looked back at Louis.

"Yes! How did you know that?!"

Louis shrugged, letting go of my hand.

"I saw it in your finger."

I shook my head and smiled.

"I think it's just luck..."

"No it's not!"

Louis shouted at me, causing me to laugh and hide my face in Liam's arm.


Liam whispered. I hummed at him and looked up.

"Are we still going to the playground after school?"

I nodded and smiled bigger, regretting even answering when I realized Louis heard us.

"The playground? Don't you realize we're in high school?"

He asked and laughed, making me feel like shit.

"You know, I was about to ask you if you wanted to come along, but I guess I changed my mind..."

Liam mumbled, smiling and looking back down at me.

"Wait, no! I want to come!"

Louis begged and looked at me.

"Listen, I'm sorry-"

"Oh shut up Louis! I don't want to hear your apologies!"

I snapped, not realizing that could come out of me. I slowly leaned more against Liam.

"Well damn, if you don't want me to come-"

"No, you're coming."

I smiled weakly and snuggled up against Liam, Louis beaming with excitement. I didn't get what was so cool about going to the playground, but I loved it when Louis looked happy.

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