Chapter 14: Graduation

Start from the beginning

"Tomorrow morning." Kayla mumbled.

"Shut up! Why tomorrow?" Camille walked over to the line of students.

"Because his father doesn't like us together." Kayla shook her head and followed Camille.

"That's so crazy." Camille rolled her eyes.

Students began to head to the cafeteria, so they could be checked for all dues paid. As everyone arrived slowly, some students became nervous because they didn't know if their dues were fully paid. While they were in the cafeteria, a hour later parents arrived in the gymnasium taking their seats. Families packed in the bleachers getting their cameras and camcorders ready for their graduates.

A lot of Kayla's relatives from Georgia flew in for the graduation, Jasmine and her new boyfriend, Asia, and of course Uncle Lenny and Kelsiee. Calvin didn't show up yet and knowing his history with Kayla, he probably wasn't going to come. It wouldn't hurt Kayla anyway because she knew how he was.

2 hours later, the graduation began as the seniors marched into the gym at a slow pace. Families cheered as they watched their graduates take a seat in their assigned chairs. Some students were already on stage including Kayla because she was doing the valediction

The graduation consist of a warm welcome, handing out diplomas, two guest speakers, and the farewell address by Kayla.

"Now our valedictorian Kayla Richmond will speak for the end of our ceremony." The principal said in a calm tone as classmates and her family began to cheer.

"Good morning." Kayla smiled as she spoke in the microphone.

"Good morning." Everyone replied back.

"For these four years of high school, we've had an amazing time as a class. We shared laughs, cried together, and maybe even revolved around drama, but we were a family the whole time. You guys are probably the best family I've had compared to real family. I started here in the middle of freshmen year and was worried that this school would probably be full of bullying and teasing, but it wasn't. It was better than that. I began to make more friends than my old school and find out you guys are really amazing. But, enough about me, since we've accomplished high school we now have an amazing future ahead of us. We can be anything that we want to be such as, doctors, lawyers, musicians, dancers, artist, and so much more. All of us will be separating to head to our dream college or tech school, but hopefully we can stay connected. I understand that senior year was hard due to making those grades high for our dream college, recommendations, and filling out college apps. It was all tough work, but we did it and we are going to succeed. Classmates thank you for letting me share high school with you guys. So, Farewell class." Everyone cheered and clapped loudly for Kayla as she appreciated the attention.

At the end of the ceremony, Kayla quickly ran over to her family members and embraced everyone. Kayla's family congratulated her and told her that her speech was great. Kayla appreciated it and grabbed Kelsiee from her uncle. As the family were about to walk out of the gym, Nick and his family trotted over. Kayla and Nick began to  smile at eachother as she introduced him to the part of the family he didn't know.

The two families walked out the school together and both decided to eat at a breakfast buffet, since it was still morning.

As they arrived at the buffet, everyone sat at a family section in the back of the restaurant. Kayla and Nick sat beside eachother as Kayla's family went into awe mode.

"Too bad, this is your last day Nick." Uncle Lenny glanced at Nick's father.

"Wait, what you mean unc?" Aaliyah asked in a curious tone.

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