Chapter 7.

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Sorry for not posting at the usual time. I have to take graduation tests today. 1-4 taken today is test number 2. I didn't take reading and writing because I passed. So please follow, share, and comment. I hope you enjoy this story! =^~^=

While the door was held open by Yosafire. The head angel stood at the door. Wodahs had arrived for some odd reason. Yosafire and Froze looked at each other.
"I have brought some news. Lady Etihw and Lord Kcalb have been talking about bringing their son home." Wodahs said, he was clearly taking it seriously. Soul looked at the head angel, the toddler rubbed his eyes.

"I see, so how much longer do we have to spend with him?" Yosafire asked, the demon was clearly upset. She couldn't let Soul go. They had a mother and son bond. Something that couldn't fade.

"One more thing, brother is planning on marrying Lady Etihw. He wants it to be considered family now." Wodahs said. The angel and demon cheered of joy. This was everyone's biggest dream. Well Yosafire's anyways.

"Lord Kcalb requested to let his son stay the night tonight." The angel glanced at the girls. Hopefully this will fill Kcalb's satisfaction.

Yosafire handed Soul over to the head angel. The angel and demon hugged him tightly. They didn't want to let him go. Even though it was an order by the devil himself.

"Be good Soul, we love you. Have fun with your father." They both said. Soon the head angel left with the child. Soul was fast asleep, his arms wrapped around Wodahs's neck, head rested on his shoulder, and a soft smile.

The dawn was breaking through the sky. A fresh autumn breeze filled the kingdom. The sunlight brightened the rooms. In the throne room, Kcalb was sitting in his throne across from Etihw.

Etihw smiled at the devil, once the knock was heard they both turned their heads to face the door. Walking into the room was Wodahs carrying Soul. Kcalb stood up immediately, he walked over to his brother.

Wodahs handed Soul over to Kcalb. A smile appeared on the God's face. Soul looked up at his father, he hugged him tightly.

"Like father, like son. I never seen Kcalb so happy before. When Kcalb has his family, I realized. He will forever be happy." Etihw said in satisfaction. Her dreams was to see Kcalb happy. To have their family together.

"Beloved brother, the prince is still very tired. Hopefully you two will spend time together. I bet he would like to get to know his father." The head angel said in a monotone voice.

"I will be tending to the garden brother. Is there anything else I can get you?" The angel looked at the three of them. The devil shook his head 'no'.

"......O-Our little boy is home." Kcalb spook with a soft gentle voice. He feared of destroying the family and the world around them. Etihw stood up walking towards them. She hugged them very close to her letting out a happy sigh.

"Yes he is, yes he is." She closed her eyes smiling. Enjoying the comfort of the two boys.

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