Chapter 1. Apple Park

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It was a nice day out, the young toddler was walking ahead of the blonde haired angel known as Froze. The toddler had hair white as the snow, eyes the color of a deep crimson, his teeth sharp as knives. Only a couple of days ago, the toddler started having horns grow through his hair. Froze smiled and picked the toddler up holding him close. She smiled at Yosafire holding her hand, Soul smiled. "Where rar we qwoing mama?" He asked looking at Froze and Yosafire.
"We're going to go pick apples, Dialo wants to bake apple pies." Froze stated smiling. She picked an apple from the tree handing it to Soul. Yosaf smiled picking a disgusting amount of apples. Froze giggled looking at the demon, while Prince Soul ate the apple.
"You eat to much, even after your done exercising you still eat. Your as bad as Lady Etihw when she was having Soul. Where do you store all of it?" Froze asked with a small smile on her face. The demon shrugged and chimed,"She was just as bad when she was having Steven." She giggled looking at the angel.
"Soul is so cute, all the angels and demons would kill to have him. Soul looks so much like Lord Kcalb." The angel stated, then looked at the toddler ruffling his hair.
"I guess where lucky huh?" Yosafire said with a smile. As her red glasses fell off the bridge of her nose. She picked them up brushing her green short hair out of the way.
Froze's hair was a lot shorter, when they were younger. Her hair was longer, she wore male clothing instead of the original dress.
Yosafire was still the same, she was mature now since Wodahs delivered Soul to them.
"Yosaf, I wish I can prove how much I love you." The angel said looking at Soul. She kissed the top of his head smiling.
"Fu-rooooze, you don't have too. Putting up with me is all that matters." Yosafire said smiling happily.

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